Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [prep] a thousand [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All of which makes the Jorvik Viking Centre not just the journey of a lifetime , but the most exciting journey in a thousand years .
2 When the River Erne reaches Fermanagh , it broadens out into immense Lough Erne , a fragmented inland sea of a thousand islands that bisects the whole county and reaches clear to Cavan in the south .
3 Philip had opened the proceedings by again suggesting an exchange of conquests , but Richard opposed this , arguing that this would mean that he gave up lands , including the Quercy , which brought him an annual revenue of a thousand marks or more , in return for estates in Berry which , though they were fiefs belonging to Aquitaine , were in fact held by other lords and so were of very little direct financial benefit to him .
4 Since 1213 when King John tactically surrendered the kingdom to Pope Innocent III and received it back as a fief held of the papacy , the English crown had owed the pope an annual tribute of a thousand marks ( £666 6/ 8d ) .
5 The murals of Diego Rivera for the Secretariat of Public Education in Mexico City are admitted by the critic Antonio Rodriguez not to be all of an equally high standard , ‘ but what poet could keep up the same lyrical flow for a thousand verses ?
6 Substitute an inheritance for a fairy godmother , an ex-wife for the wicked witch and you 've got the basic plot of a thousand paperback romances .
7 The Annamese were part of the Chinese empire for a thousand years , Paul , remember .
8 The king awoke out of his sleep to a frightful sound , like a great crash of thunder and the hissing flight of a thousand arrows .
9 To Joseph 's startled ears they sounded like a simultaneous volley of a thousand rifle shots .
10 The name , New Millennium , means the new period of a thousand years which will start in the year 2000–1 and it also suggests an era of peace and harmony .
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