Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [pron] be talking [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It 's been under wraps for weeks , but now the political biography everyone 's talking about has finally arrived .
2 So it 's a very high proportion we 're talking about .
3 ‘ Say what you like , but I do n't fancy this old barn everyone 's talking about .
4 I think ca n't really remember I do n't know how father would use different language he 's talking to his son or daughter .
5 It 's , and , and if you actually look on the actual area we 're talking about , there 's only one , two , three , four , there 's only about half a dozen tables .
6 You know I mean this has , this has been used accused Saddam Hussein has er is a , is a supporter of er the coup , but er , the real implication I am talking about is the problem .
7 Two of the Bernard brothers first saw her seated at a bar drinking , whilst apparently listening to her male companion who was talking to her , quietly and seriously and in an unobtrusive manner .
8 That 's wa that 's the overall thing you 're talking about is it ?
9 So if we 're talking about something talking about something taking a light year to reach us in terms of light , any possibility of human contact we 're talking about millions of years , probably , rather than a few years .
10 I mean I , I do n't feel comfortable talking I 'm talking in a whole group I do n't feel quite as comfortable not actually here , but in , in a debate situation talking to say two or three people .
11 If any ‘ open ’ circuits exist anywhere in the guitar 's earth circuit a buzz will be noticeable — even with humbuckers — at the sort of mega gain you 're talking about .
12 ‘ Course , if it 's foul play we 're talking about , Theo Sykes would be my chief suspect .
13 You mean this is the present group you 're talking of ?
14 Yeah although it did n't , it did n't I w I was n't too concerned about it , I thought well you know I 'm resting er and er I 'm the sort of person who only needs about six hours , if I get six hours I 'm okay erm , you know , on a regular basis I 'm talking about .
15 I think Freud would say though however that these are more like the th the was talking about religion , now clearly if something is a outlawing it is n't gon na make much difference to it , or if anything it 's , it 's just gon na make it er , er make it more difficult , but there are certain types of religion and Judaism is one of them where th this very pattern you 're talking about did occur and here Freud is er probably standing on , on firm ground , for reasons which I 'll explain in my lectures I do n't wan na take up too much time , but I have done a bit of research on this myself and as you will see , erm there 's , there are good reasons for thinking that Freud was certainly right about some of those and we certainly know that a monotheistic and , and an absolutely rigidly monotheistic religion appeared in Ancient Egypt as erm Andrea said , just before erm the er reign of this heretic er heretic , heretic pharaoh one of whose er near descendants , I forget how he was related now , erm was originally called Tutamkhatan and then was forced to change his name to Tutankhamen and he was dug up by Howard Carter in nineteen twenty two or something er and er the Tutankhamen is called Tutankhamen and not Tutamkhatan is that there was a religious .
16 We have in the past raised this through the er Association of County Councils in the education side , with and we , there was quite a lot of support , and also have had support in the past from er , Kenneth Carlyle and Douglas Howe erm who were , supported the view , er which was particularly in relation to youth training , as this is more adult training we 're talking about here .
17 In terms of people with learning disability and physical disability we 're talking about ten , twenty , thirty , forty years in , in many cases .
18 ‘ Now if it was Irish whiskey you were talking about … ’
19 ‘ What was that mysterious place you were talking about at Aunt Nance 's ? ’
20 When he said he wanted the ‘ spark of fire ’ and intended to have it , it was n't spiritual love he was talking about .
21 ‘ I doubt if they would know what the bloody hell you were talking about .
22 ‘ Neither of us are idiots and Benn must realise that the only way to make the really big money we are talking about is to meet each other here , when we are both scheduled to make a mandatory defence next September .
23 Accounting for the use of this form in any context will always imply relating the particular meaning actualized in the context to the permanent potential significate postulated for it in tongue , and will consequently involve : ( 1 ) showing that the common denominator of a before/after sequence is present ( the constant element evoked by to ) , and ( 2 ) showing how the speaker has fit the particular experience he is talking about into this potential by intercepting the operation of actualizing it at the appropriate moment ( the variable element expressed by to ) .
24 She knew vaguely there was a wonderful person everyone was talking about , but who could be more wonderful to a wide-eyed seven year old than the sight of their own father guarding a flag with gold tassels ?
25 The different species of trees are not all making their livings in exactly the same way , but as far as the particular race we are talking about is concerned — the race for the sunlight above the canopy — they are competitors for the same resource .
26 Hey do you care about you know the other day we were talking about the erm I wanted to get one of the councillors on to talk about this but I I ca n't find the right one .
27 But you know the other day we were talking about that tulip thing that 's down by erm Marks and Sparks ?
28 till yeah , crazy , well look at the erm , the price of sugar the other day you were talking about that , what was it , fifty odd P ?
29 See that 's the other thing we were talking about monitor i monitoring the standards and targets .
30 And a new doctor I was talking to , I says , three went in , I says , Hope they 're all going into , doctor .
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