Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [art] corner " in BNC.

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1 He gestured towards the small wet bar installed in a corner of the room .
2 A tattered brown tarpaulin bundled in the corner of the shed ?
3 The old woman sat in a corner by the range .
4 At Hyde Park Corner a tiny youngish man was followed onto the train by a large stocky man a sadistic smirk emerging from the corners of his mouth .
5 Through all the turnings of his thoughts one image dogged him — Colberg 's face , so sharply carved , his eyes a wee bit slanting at the corners , his nostrils cut on a long shallow curve , his forehead not rounded but angled above the glossy black hairs at the outside ends of his eyebrows .
6 In the yard next to ours was a tiny cottage squeezed in the corner .
7 His ice-blue gaze darted into every corner of the room .
8 " We are planning to have a Victorian summerhouse built in the corner so the tiles will then be inside it . "
9 The economic crisis reached into every corner of city life .
10 Although the moon had set , they could see Maldita 's ghostly white body slumped in the corner like a cast-off shroud .
11 A squashed hand-rolled cigarette dangled from the corner of his mouth .
12 The ventral arm plates are much wider than long with an obtuse proximal angle and a straight distal edge rounded at the corners and indented midradially .
13 Then she saw a wrought-iron gate set in the corner , and hurried towards it .
14 Suddenly a small single-decker bus appeared at a corner not far away .
15 An odd smile tugged at the corners of his firm mouth .
16 A cruel smile played at the corners of his mouth .
17 So I decided to take them outside for a breath of fresh air , ’ she added , turning her worried blue eyes in mute appeal to the uniformed policewoman sitting in the corner of the room .
18 Nathan gave a brief shrug , and a wry , self-mocking smile flickered at the corners of his mouth .
19 Though a mocking smile played at the corners of his chiselled mouth , his voice had a caustic bite .
20 Your blond hair bouncing like a corner boy 's ,
21 She held her breath as the road widened slightly , and with a roar the Aston Martin shot forward , only just reaching the safety of the road ahead before a black saloon appeared around the corner .
22 Congealed black blood stains in the corner cracks make her look like a baby bird on a diet of blackberries .
23 As the room lit , an image crossed his vision — of a thin black figure seated in a corner , crouching witch-like in the gloom .
24 Miss Honey was still hugging the tiny girl in her arms and neither of them said a word as they stood there watching the big black car tearing round the corner at the end of the road and disappearing for ever into the distance .
25 Kicking at pine cones on the path , Mungo was halfway to the top of the slope when a slight figure appeared round the corner of the station entrance .
26 Motionless on his stool , Frankie stared first at Buddie 's dark profile , then at the huge brown and black body curled in the corner .
27 Exploring the area , Nails found a decent garden shed in a corner of the graveyard , well-hidden behind an overgrown yew-hedge , and he moved in there with his sleeping bag .
28 A black rag flaps across the corner of the eye — ; Blackbird homing from green — ; And this rain is trickling down gulleys , into the splits
29 It was a substantial house standing at the corner of a tree-lined street in an Irish neighbourhood of the city .
30 Félicité et Perpétue crept up the mellow brickwork , and Gloire de Dijon climbed higher , and there were heavy dark crimson Bourdons and Portland roses in the borders and pink Ce/1leste clumped at the corners with its paler leaves .
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