Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] council [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 An assizes court in Paris on June 15 , 1990 , sentenced Rolf Dobbertin , a German-born nuclear physicist who had worked for the French National Council for Scientific Research ( CNRS ) , to 12 years ' imprisonment for espionage for East Germany during the 10 years to January 1979 [ see p. 29786 for his arrest in 1979 and p. 33867 for his release in 1983 ] .
2 On Feb. 9 , 1990 , the NSF Council was replaced by an all-party provisional Council of National Unity , which served as an interim parliament until the general and presidential elections on May 20 .
3 On Feb. 1 , following three days of round table talks , representatives of 29 opposition parties agreed to proposals from the ruling National Salvation Front ( NSF ) to share power in a new 180-seat provisional Council of National Unity ( CNU ) .
4 A single party , the country 's sole legal political grouping , known as the National Movement for a Development Society ( Mouvement national pour une société de développement — MNSD ) , was formed in August 1988 and held its founding congress in May 1989 , when President Saibou was elected as head of the country 's new supreme ruling body , a half-military and half-civilian Higher Council for National Orientation ( Conseil supérieure d'orientation national — CSON ) .
5 It appears that the case had been in progress before the Heliopolitan Divine Council for eighty years and the gods were understandably becoming impatient and short-tempered , yet they seemed unable to decide upon a judgement .
6 At the national level there was a National Joint Council for Spanish Relief , chaired by the Duchess of Atholl , a Conservative MP , though dominated by Liberal and Labour .
7 The National Advisory Council on Nutritional Education has targeted 30% as the optimum level for health , while several doctors would advise an even lower rate .
8 Three trade union confederations , Fratia , Alfa , and the National Council of Free Trade Unions of Romania , formed a National Advisory Council of Romanian Unions , claiming at a press conference on Nov. 9 to represent 4,000,000 of the country 's 4,500,000 trade union members .
9 Conservatives , in particular , argued that the ‘ liberal establishment ’ and the think-tanks it favoured — Brookings , the Rand Corporation , even the grand old Council on Foreign Relations in New York — embodied a stifling and wrong-headed orthodoxy .
10 In 1951 the World Peace Pagoda was built , and in 1954 the Sixth Great InternatIonal Council of Buddhist monks and learned laity was opened ( the fifth had been at Mandalay in 1871 under the patronage of King Mindon ) .
11 He and others fear that ‘ safety net ’ losses to be suffered by some areas will cost them key metropolitan councils in next May 's elections .
12 Later , the East Anglian Regional Advisory Council for Further Education ( EARAC ) was established in 1947 , with its secretariat provided by the Norfolk LEA , and the work of the Regional Consultative Council was absorbed into EARAC in 1953 when it became the Adult Education Sub-Committee of the East Anglian body .
13 The colleges grappled with widespread early retirements of staff in teacher education , permissions to prepare courses from the DES in the case of teacher education , and from the Inspectorate and the Regional Advisory Councils for other courses .
14 In July 1992 Dr Keith Mumby , a clinical ecologist , appeared before the professional conduct committee of the General Medical Council on five charges to do with his practice of clinical ecology .
15 The government 's Oct. 30 dismissal of Francisco Mayorga , president of the Central Bank and architect of the government 's free-market economic austerity plan , was denounced by the conservative High Council of Private Enterprise business organization ( Cosep ) as a betrayal of election pledges and a major concession to the Sandinista ( FSLN ) opposition .
16 These factors must also be taken into account when deciding whether the act of collective worship reflects Christian traditions and the ways in which such traditions are to be reflected in taken into account by the local statutory advisory council on religious education ( SACRE ) when it is considering an application by the head teacher of the school under section 12(1) of the 1988 Act for lifting or modifying the requirement for Christian collective worship at the school .
17 July 1990 : UN Secretary-General acquires full executive powers in Cambodia ; formation of Supreme National Council of prominent Cambodians .
18 Finally he suggested that the committee would have to look both at the alternative provision for the 16–19 age-group that was provided by BTEC , CGLI , CVPE , and RSA ( all that which is to come under the general control of the new National Council for Vocational Qualifications ) and at the extent to which pupils who have followed GCSE courses may have become accustomed to a different kind of assessment procedure from that incorporated in A levels .
19 In November 1990 he announced plans for the creation of new Consultative Council of provincial representatives [ see p. 37873 ] .
20 A new Advisory Council on Continuing Education has been established to provide an improved mechanism for consulting individuals outside the University on the development of CE programmes .
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