Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] over a period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It may be recommended that independent psychiatric or psychological assessment is made or that the sufferer is admitted for prolonged assessment over a period of time ( ten days or so ) in daily contact with the group of patients already in treatment .
2 SAYS Kinsey : ‘ What we have seen in newspaper editorials and in political speeches over a period of time , is a latching on to the problem of crime and a series of assertions about the so-called welfare-dependent underclass .
3 Barclays Bank would not divulge its figures despite repeated requests over a period of three weeks .
4 He said it would change and tone a man in three five-minute sessions over a period of a week .
5 In this thesis he describes a meticulous dietary study over a period of several years at the Juliana Children 's Hospital in a patient with coeliac disease , which started in 1936 !
6 People have made wonderful toys in a lot of different places over a period of time .
7 Roebuck , moved a famous and extremely detailed vote of censure on Palmerston 's foreign policy over a period of two decades , 2,000 – 3,000 volumes of manuscript correspondence were consulted by officials in the government 's attempt to produce a convincing rebuttal .
8 This latter is a longitudinal survey over a period of two and a half years following a structured sample of some 4,000 persons who registered as unemployed in May 1980 .
9 Through the creation and use of databases in a number of different contexts over a period of time , pupils develop an awareness of the microcomputer as an information handling tool rather than a games machine or programming instrument , while , at the same time , developing valuable learning skills .
10 Like many earnest campaigns , the society raised moral indignation over a period of three years when a ‘ naked ’ papier mâché horse was put on display in a Manhattan airline office ; the horse was quickly removed and an apology was sent as speedily .
11 It ran for four separate days over a period of weeks , followed by an exam when all managed to pass .
12 These convertible issues are convertible into the underlying equity at a fixed rate over a period of years and usually on certain dates in each year .
13 Figure 8 is an example of such a study which recorded and classified accidents over a period of time .
14 It is impossible to judge on the basis of a single day , however , and you should be looking for a consistent improvement over a period of time .
15 What you should look for is evidence of good , consistent results over a period of 10 to 20 years .
16 When such Stakhanovite chastity over a period of months finally coaxed some forlorn gesture of affection from the girl , he told her he wanted to get to know her better .
17 The aim of the research is to arrive at an interdisciplinary understanding of particular cases by intensive study over a period of time , using both flexible interviews and questionnaires ; and by the incorporation of survey data and through theoretical interpretation to generalise to wider organisational and occupational areas .
18 The Medical Correspondent of the UK Sunday Times reported in May 1990 that the anti-oestrogen drug , tamoxifen , used for several years to treat women actually suffering from breast-cancer , is now to be tested on 30,000 human subjects over a period of five years to assess its potential as a preventative of the disease in healthy women .
19 Hanson has been built up into one of Britain 's leading companies over a period of twenty years based on an acquisition philosophy which involves a reduction in the acquired company 's bureaucracy , devolution of responsibility to local managers , a tight control of capital expenditure and a disposal of some of the peripheral assets which are not part of the company 's ‘ core activities ’ .
20 But the main idea in the Green Paper was to replace domestic rates over a period of years by a community charge .
21 Any body left in this room will be digested by fungal enzymes over a period of D4+1 days , depending on size , and organic equipment left here — leather , sacking , cloth , etc. — will likewise be digested in 24 hours .
22 Firstly , there will be a cross-sectional approach , looking at a wide range of firms and markets ; and secondly , there swill be a time series approach , which will follow a firm 's involvement with a particular national market over a period of time .
23 The usual procedure is for a sample , which is then referred to as the ‘ panel ’ , to be selected in the usual way , as described on pp. 35–9 above , and for data about this sample to be collected at regular intervals over a period of years .
24 It seems likely that improvements in the health and work capacity of the elderly population over the last eighty years have more than compensated for any putative increase in the physical and mental demands of employment ; if so , rising retirement rates may reflect a decrease in the demand for the labour of elderly workers over a period in which their employment capacity has risen .
25 There is a spontaneous gradual recovery over a period of weeks or months and the protein concentration of spinal fluid becomes elevated .
26 In Boston " mentoring " programmes exist where employers release a staff member on a regular basis over a period of months to work with potential " drop outs " to win their commitment .
27 Where parties do business together on the same terms on a regular basis over a period of time , their trading may amount to a course of dealing .
28 She says you have to have evidence of continued use over a period of time and in a variety of sources so that it 's not just very specialised and short-lived .
29 They are the inevitable result of her stand in advocating bourgeois liberalisation over a period of time . ’
30 Third , the gradual detoxification over a period of ten days , in order to avoid common withdrawal symptoms of tiredness , insomnia and general irritability , may be helped by use of chewing gum containing nicotine .
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