Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] of [noun] around the " in BNC.

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1 Bob bent down , too , and moved discreetly about picking up the more obviously feminine articles of clothing around the floor .
2 Bikes are everywhere ( 3,000 are available for hire ) and cycling is the popular mode of transport around the 440-acre site .
3 There was an instant chorus of recognition around the ( all-female ) table .
4 There was an almost audible sigh of relief around the world that someone had been caught tampering with the dictionary .
5 A work such as Judith Weir 's A Night At The Chinese Opera ( 1987 ) plays with narrative continuity and frames of reference in ways that tie it much more closely to modern literary devices than to any musical antecedents ; Harrison Birtwhistle 's The Mask of Orpheus ( 1986 ) uses all the dramatic devices and timeshifts an opera can muster to tease out the contradictory bundle of myths around the Orpheus legend .
6 Only where industries used coal directly , like the forges of Sheffield , were towns yet blackened and the air poisoned ; and only where they produced ‘ waste ’ in great quantities , such as in coal-mining , glassworks and chemicals , was the landscape beginning to acquire that sterile covering of ‘ tips ’ , that were destined to go on piling up until they produced a mountain landscape in miniature ; until the vast range of coal-tips around the old town of Wigan , for example , could be sardonically nicknamed the Wigan Alps and be illustrated in later years under that name on picture postcards .
7 As the rough represents the variability around the smoothed line , it is sometimes appropriate to use it to indicate the typical degree of variation around the smoothed curve .
8 There was a tremendous crescendo of noise around the ground .
9 Here , we encounter the same pattern which so clearly distinguishes man from the apes — notable absence of canine-tooth dimorphism , prominent displays of hair around the face and neck of the male and , in the female , a secondary sexual display on the chest .
10 A softer pad is then required for shaping and stretching : put extra layers of material around the base , so that the metal can be stretched in either direction .
11 Conscious that Rotoroa is notorious for its insect and wasp populations , and that tackling the remaining section of path around the lake involved skills more suited to machete-wielding Ecuadorians , we knew what we had to do .
12 London-based Unix specialist , UniSoft Ltd , enjoyed a strong period of growth around the time it was engaged in developing an operating system for Motorola Computer Systems ' Unix boxes in the late 1980s .
13 There was a quick murmur of appreciation around the room , after the execution of Patrick Pearse and the other leaders of the Easter Rising of 1916 , Michael Collins was the most active and charismatic of the leaders of the Cause .
14 He inspected the helmet , with its heavy crest and the circling ruff of fur around the rim ; his blow had cut the ruff and damaged the cheek guard .
15 It sounds pretty good and it would be around about May the twenty first twenty second , so it would be after the football season has finished er so we 'd have a tour of Old Trafford , the Manchester United football ground behind the scenes , go to the special museum there , see all of their trophies , do something similar at Anfield the following morning and in the afternoon on the Saturday go to Granada T V studios and er on the Sunday we 'll be going er around Liverpool and their various er little places of nostalgia around the er the Beatles .
16 Chris trailed back , dragging his bat in disgust , but loudly clapped by his team and the little group of parents around the scorer 's shack in the corner of the field .
17 The most common advice is to place large pieces of furniture around the sides of a room but there are exceptions .
18 As Richard Flathman disapprovingly remarked , ‘ There has been a remarkable coalescence of opinion around the proposition that authority and authority relations involve some species of ‘ surrender of judgment ’ on the part of those who accept submit or subscribe to the authority of persons or a set of rules and offices .
19 Its front end projects above the surface and carries a little coronet of tentacles around the opening through which it sucks in water .
20 Such a situation existed in the Bosnian area of Yugoslavia around the time of the Second World War .
21 These findings cover a broad range of information and issues , including identification of factors that have contributed to the widespread use of paraprofessionals around the world , detailed descriptions of their roles and utilization patterns , the nature of their relationships with professional colleagues , the types of training they receive , and the career paths open to them .
22 Finally , we need to continue to recognize that paraprofessional social service jobs are a way out of poverty , unemployment , underemployment and other forms of deprivation for large numbers of people around the world .
23 The rapid installation of a large number of systems around the country and , in some cases , overseas created a large number of novel problems and as these arose they were fed into the diagnostic expert system in their central facility and were available for consultation when other units phoned in with a problem .
24 And warm temperatures , of course , have also been implicated in the widespread bleaching of corals around the world .
25 International law and the Geneva conventions apply only to the endless cases of aggression around the world , with the US , Britain and Israel being some of the main provocateurs in the aggressors ' camp .
26 We must beware of the use of ethnicity to wrap a spurious cloak of legitimacy around the speaker who invokes it .
27 There was a great deal of gloom around the table .
28 My trousers had been removed with some force as my right leg was in a great deal of pain around the cast .
29 It gives copious detail on four cases where a total of $100m is alleged to have been misappropriated through a complex web of transactions around the world .
30 The complete range is available at all major branches of Boots around the country priced at £3.65 each .
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