Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb mod] [be] less than " in BNC.

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1 Some voters will have to walk 20 kilometres ( 12 miles ) to vote , although the average hike will be less than half that .
2 The rise in sea levels as a result of global warming may be less than feared , according to a new UN study .
3 Hence in the early years of the life of a fixed asset the taxable profit may be less than the reported profit before tax .
4 Usually this is not the case so the average wait will be less than half a revolution .
5 If r is less than i , then the annual cost of borrowing funds for an additional project will be less than the expected annual return on the initial capital outlay , so that the project will be profitable to undertake .
6 Since the long-run apc is the same for both samples , we would predict that the measured apc of the families with above-average measured incomes would be less than the measured apc of the families with below-average measured incomes .
7 From today 's disclosures , it would appear that the savings that would come from the setting up of a small number of large authorities will be less than was originally suggested .
8 For the past decade they have been more concerned with health-care than with wages and some fear that the benefits their members will get under a national plan could be less than they have managed to negotiate .
9 These primordial black holes could be less than the size of the nucleus of an atom , yet their mass could be a billion tons , the mass of Mount Fuji .
10 But from the point of view of the capitalist profits will be less than S. These brief remarks by no means exhaust the discussion of such problems , but they do suggest that the problem posed by collective consumption , and particularly unproductive collective consumption , is much more complex than Marx 's original propositions allowed for .
11 The ability of the added stimulus to disrupt normal perception of the excitatory CS should undergo habituation and thus the ‘ inhibitory ’ power of the pre-exposed stimulus might be less than that of a novel one .
12 Mrs Whitehouse was accused at many points of being motivated by ‘ hatred ’ of homosexuals and , whilst the extract suggests that her attitude was not one of ‘ hatred ’ — indeed far from it — by including in her attitude to homosexuality such words as : undesirable , repugnant , perverse , suffering and abnormal , it is also easy to see how the gay community might be less than happy with the description .
13 In terms of genotypes , competition between individuals of a very polymorphic species may be less than between related ‘ jordanons ’ ( selfing lines ) or apomictic lines , even though these be isolated genetically from one another .
14 Looking specifically at the mid-range commercial systems marketplace , Wendler believes that by 1995 , users are likely to reach a point where the cost of implementing open systems will be less than to carry on as they are .
15 Er and that 's of agricultural land not of all land in the county , so the proportion of the total land would be less than that .
16 In the building trade it is well known that the cost of building a new building may be less than the cost of modifying an old one .
17 The relative shift will be less than 0·5 ( Δ m/m ) , which is readily resolvable if the bands are narrow [ Fig. 5.40(a) ] .
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