Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb mod] [adv] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Yesterday , Mr Baron said that strict justice demanded that ‘ the European Parliament can not go on being regarded as a marginal institution , able only to speak but not to take decisions ’ .
2 Different objectives of different finns controlled and limited the techniques of production they could use ( eg. a firm developing prototypes of electronic equipment can not go in for mass-production ) .
3 This poor old girl ca n't go out for christmas dinner .
4 I accept that the right hon. Gentleman could not go any further at that time , but is he aware that his argument that a change in the defence of provocation might allow for revenge killings is wrong and invalid because juries would not accept it in the case of revenge killings ?
5 Is he also aware that British Steel can not go ahead with its plans for building a new plate mill on Teesside because of the depth of the recession into which the Government have plunged the country ?
6 IBM bought up the technology outright before going public on its agreement with Apple to ensure that no enterprising outfit could subsequently go off and get a licence from Interactive that would allow it to develop compatible versions of PowerOpen , AIX or even Pink .
7 Wh while you 're on that madam chairman , I 've had two persons er contact me as regarding , you know playing field and er it 's a no go for dogs is n't it , and th and we therefore the people have mentioned they had to go down the side of the playing field onto the onto the old , and er have we an obligation to er to pave not pave it but er make it , it 's a very steep bank , a very steep old ladies dare n't go down , and they know they 're breaking the law by taking the dog in the in the er recreation ground , and I just wondered whether we had an obligation to er .
8 Not many years ago , economists expressed the view that inflation and high unemployment could not go together ; we have seen that they were wrong .
9 When hunting , they fly hard and fast , but a trained bird will never go too far from the falconer and the promise of more food .
10 No one , not even Mr Major , believes that the Scottish problem will now go away .
11 Because innovation is both conceptual and perceptual , would-be innovators must also go out and look , ask , and listen .
12 The Jesus Jones show is very much a ‘ show ’ , and fun though it is , a touch more real damage would n't go amiss .
13 The Jesus Jones show is very much a ‘ show ’ , and fun though it is , a touch more real damage would n't go amiss .
14 The extra cash would n't go amiss for the chickenwire fund .
15 Sanitary legislation could only go so far in monitoring personal health ; what was vital was a popular campaign stressing the individual 's own responsibility to observe the rules of health .
16 But the central issues will not go away .
17 I 've cut the top off and the wee cap ca n't go on
18 If they did that , the Liberal Democrats would probably go along with .
19 Remember that Labour and Liberal Democrats would not go back to rates — they want people to pay a double income tax — and Labour want a property tax as well .
20 the Liberal Democrats will not go away .
21 Speculation on whether the historic meeting would actually go ahead , however , was intensified when , on the same day , a planned visit to the South by a North Korean delegation — the first since 1985 — was cancelled because of a failure to agree upon minor procedural details .
22 Tommy Allen was married now and it was not unnatural that he should have a conversation with Carrie , but the nagging feeling would not go away .
23 Very painstaking stratigraphical work put it beyond doubt that men had been contemporary with animals now extinct , and that human history must therefore go back long before the 4004 BC computed from Genesis .
24 Or do you think a little ( free ) healthy advice would n't go amiss ?
25 In this particular instance it is ridiculous to think that a married man can never go off and do things which do not involve his wife .
26 When he ministered , there had been no Masses in the camps for a long time ; regular priests would not go in .
27 I do n't understand why people do n't see the difference — good design wo n't go out of fashion . ’
28 Tony Coleman , who led the opposition previously , said the dissenting voices would not go away .
29 But she added that , since the Administration was portraying the alternative to domestic exploitation as being increasing dependence on imports from the volatile Middle East , the Arctic drilling would probably go ahead .
30 A little humility in the medical debate would not go amiss .
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