Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb mod] be assume [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But particularly in a public sector context , where appeals to the public interest could be assumed to be more common , profound questions remain which can not be resolved by terse definitions .
2 Since the identity of one 's sexual partner may be assumed to be of fundamental significance , it is surely unjustified to give effect to this only where the mistake concerns whether the man is the woman 's husband ?
3 The planetary guard of a godling despot must be assumed to be numerous and very well armed — though how well experienced ?
4 Simple pre-exposure may be assumed to be an effective method for reducing associability because it allows the rapid formation either of a strong stimulus — no event association or of associations among stimulus elements , just as consistent reinforcement allows the rapid formation of a strong CS-US association .
5 In view of Callam et al 's ( 1987a ) recommendation that arterial disease should be assumed in every patient presenting with an ulcer anywhere on the foot until proved otherwise , this suggests ischaemic ulcers are more common in men than women .
6 The conference decision arose from an implicit assumption by the Carnegie Trustees that following a three-year funding of successful pilot schemes , subsequent responsibility would be assumed by LEAs .
7 This type of deformation causes no dilatation and so the observed effects may be assumed to be due to one causes only — structural rearrangements which do not cause a change of volume .
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