Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [noun pl] around the world " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Wedgwood and Johnson Brothers are two immensely strong brand names around the world and Coalport and Mason 's Ironstone are also very valuable assets . ’
2 Different supporters clubs around the world , have got official status , and yet I 'm sure at meetings and socials of these clubs , worse ideas and maybe even actions are carried out than what has been discussed between us .
3 Investing in many different bond markets around the world increases the investment potential because when one market is going down another may be on the way up .
4 The growth of the catholic social movements and activity of Roman catholics in trade unions and politics was rooted in this dramatic revival , which gave rise to Catholic Action and the development of catholic social studies groups around the world .
5 The Spokane site in Washington State was certified to ISO 9001 joining an elite group of electronic materials suppliers around the world to achieve this status .
6 The desk studies are augmented by a regular programme of seminars and trade missions which OSO organises to keep the capability of UK industry in focus in leading oil centres around the world .
7 Following disturbances in October 1989 , major stock markets around the world remained strong at the end of the year , with some reaching historical peaks in the last week of 1989 and the first week of 1990 .
8 We 've had it into the major research laboratories around the world who specialise in security .
9 We will be expanding opportunities by promoting existing tennis resources around the world and improving communications between members so an extensive and thriving network is created . ’
10 Do n't forget , too , the Grand Opera House has two score of inexpensive slip seats sold only after ten of the clock on the day and they are excellent seats too — far better than seats at twenty times their price in great opera houses around the world .
11 I read monthly in my BBC WILDLIFE , with tears in my eyes , of stories of various animal tragedies around the world , quietly cursing my fellow man , who has the injustice to treat animals with such appalling disrespect .
12 There are the usual singers and some local news , but the main item is an often grisly tour of Vietnamese refugee camps around the world .
13 Apart from the big insrance companies around the world , Lloyd 's already faces strong competition from the Institute of London Underwriters — a grouping of the marine underwriting departments of international companies — and is about to face further pressure with the establishment of the London Underwriting Centre , a similar company amalgam specialising in Lloyd 's mainstream reinsurance business .
14 Apart from the big insuance companies around the world , Lloyd 's already faces strong competition from the Institute of London Underwriters — a grouping of the marine underwriting departments of international companies — and is about to face further pressure with the establishment of the London Underwriting Centre , a similar company amalgam specialising in Lloyd 's mainstream reinsurance business .
15 The sounds of loud yells and weird shouts emanate from martial arts dojos around the world .
16 Other stock markets around the world followed the optimisic trend set by the big exchanges , though in many of them the trading was relatively light .
17 Around that time , we heard about a network , which could link us up to other cocoa workers around the world .
18 We are told by our leaders that new killing fields around the world have to be serviced by British soldiers and that more , not fewer , men are needed .
19 The NSA operates many other satellite stations around the world .
20 Such a wave and the turbidity that followed would kill off all the bottom-dwelling filter feeders around the world , except perhaps those in some sheltered inland seas .
22 It will be shown in special Imax cinemas around the world .
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