Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] around " in BNC.

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1 The denigration of office work as inferior , non-manual labour , has a key place in the sexual transformation of clerical work around the turn of the century .
2 Mr Babangida and his predecessors have tried to meet competing ethnic demands by spreading power around regional governments in a federal system .
3 The earliest such critique in the field of literary theory was that of Frank Lentricchia , who organized his entire account of modern criticism around the premise of a ‘ repeated and extremely subtle denial of history by a variety of contemporary theorists ’ .
4 In the centre of the lawn , a large decorative tub has been planted with a small leaved variegated ivy with clipped lavender around it .
5 He eventually came to Madeira where Zarco gave him the large area of fertile land around Madalena do Mar .
6 There is a large area of new build around where the southern fire station will be and I do say will be because it will be .
7 Old myths are , however , replaced by new as the combination of modern technology and advanced marketing techniques produce ever more elaborate and sophisticated examples of political image-building around minor personality cults , even in western democracies , aimed at obfuscating reality among the ignorant and gullible .
8 Serge Moscovici , who has been both the Marx and the Lenin of this revolutionary movement , has advocated a fundamental reorientation of social psychology around the concept of social representations .
9 Where Einstein broke through the previously accepted notions of space and time and re-ordered the fundamental concepts of established physics around the single constant of the velocity of light , Barth undertook a comparable reorientation of theology around the single centre of Jesus Christ .
10 The swaps are in line with BP 's ongoing policy of growing activity around core producing assets .
11 With practised twists of his fork the gardener spread a small pile of stable manure around the strawberry plants .
12 You 've got a fucking peanut with fucking chocolate around the top but that 's shit , but listen
13 I also want to address two more complex issues in textual and sexual theory : firstly , the political implications of poststructuralist attempts to discredit notions of authorial agency ; and secondly , the related debates in gay theory around what have come to be known as the poles of ‘ essentialism ’ and ‘ social constructionism ’ ( terms I will elaborate on later ) .
14 If the little sods want to experiment , that 's fair enough ; we scatter a widely varied selection of ephemeral matter around the common room for them to browse over or deface — the Daily Express , Lancet , Exchange & Mart , Viz … that sort of thing .
15 She moulded rice and puréed sprouts , slid paper garters on to lamb bones and rolled slices of beaten meat around stuffings which , as often as not , contained pine kernels .
16 As fast as FAX and having user groups for just about every computer and software product around , it is becoming one of the main channels for passing information around the scientific community for example , much of the debate on Cold Fusion was carried out over the Internet .
17 What makes one pause when considering the role of public transport is the dispersed nature of modern society around the big cities .
18 It rests on a massive plinth of carboniferous limestone around the 1300-ft contour , this being based at valley level on impervious rock .
19 Twenty-six percent of the full-time farms had identified and developed potential sources of extra income around the farm .
20 An Azeri attack on Armenian territory around the village of Artsvashen in western Azerbaijan in early August prompted Armenian President Levon Ter-Petrosyan on Aug. 10 to appeal to the signatories of the Commonwealth of Independent States ( CIS ) collective security treaty ( signed by six member states at the Tashkent summit in May — see p. 38922 ) to " carry out their obligations " in coming to Armenia 's aid .
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