Example sentences of "[vb mod] last for several [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The resulting smooth glazed finish should last for several days .
2 These are very useful and should last for several seasons .
3 The finish should last for several years .
4 Cordless tools tend to be more expensive than their mains powered counterparts , but if looked after should last for several years , even on the original battery .
5 The summer peak could last for several months , considerably longer than that at Christmas .
6 In agreeing the format of the talks on May 9 , both sides agreed that they should be completed " as quickly as possible " , although no deadline was agreed and many observers predicted that they would last for several months .
7 Such substantial stratospheric ozone depletion would last for several years and the initial survivors of a nuclear war would have to face a great increase in biologically active UV-B radiation .
8 Holly is the best , and a good log will burn for two days ; a really good green one will last for several days .
9 These continuous blasts may last for several hours , and in that time they eject large volumes of ash , which is always new magmatic material , rather than shattered bits and pieces of old rock .
10 The theory that amplexus is a form of ‘ mate guarding ’ by males , preventing others from mating with the same female , is confirmed by comparing the duration of amplexus in explosive breeding European common frog , only one out Among explosive breeders , competition between males for females is intense and amplexus may last for several days or even for the entire breeding period .
11 BREASTFEEDING — Suckling ; a still nearly universal way of feeding infants and young children in most developing countries , first exclusively by lactation ( full breastfeeding that often lasts about three to six months ) , then introducing supplementary food ( partial breastfeeding that may last for several years until weaning ) .
12 An outbreak of spots may leave a brown discoloration on the skin which can last for several months and leave it looking mottled .
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