Example sentences of "[noun prp] knocked on the door " in BNC.

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1 Hari knocked on the door and it was quickly opened by a young maidservant who looked her over in disdain .
2 Hari knocked on the door of Cleg the Coals house , smiling as a small girl rushed past her , eyes wide with excitement .
3 Hari knocked on the door and after a time it was opened by an elderly lady who stared down at her with a frown .
4 Only , very late , Matey knocked on the door , and said , timidly for her , ‘ Neil ?
5 Karen knocked on the door , then opened it without waiting .
6 When Maria knocked on the door at half past five I woke as if I had a hangover .
7 Kolchinsky knocked on the door .
8 When he was sure that they were alone , Adam knocked on the door .
9 Willie knocked on the door .
10 Oliver knocked on the door of the flat .
11 Sergeant Fleet knocked on the door .
12 ‘ We were busy smartening things up one night when BA knocked on the door .
13 Colonel Goreng was moving away from the details of the operation to talk about the Western concept of ‘ human rights ’ , to mock it , to say what a ridiculous shibboleth it was when it stopped you defending the rights of those who were n't criminals , when Mrs Goreng knocked on the door .
14 Busacher knocked on the door and came in .
15 At about ten-thirty when she was running a long bath , Emma knocked on the door .
16 Hoomey knocked on the door and looked through the letter-box , and the smell came out to him .
17 I said to go in and see and I said to him go and see the bear , and with that Dave knocked on the door .
18 The two of them clung together , soggily , hugging closer and closer until Rachel knocked on the door and asked them to come out .
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