Example sentences of "to walk the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He was sore from the long ride and , as he tried to walk the stiffness out of his legs , pacing in limited circles under the eyes of his guards , he saw that the man on the cart tail was watching intently .
2 After the company had declared a loss of £96,678 for the year ending June 1937 , Dean was , in his own words , ‘ asked to walk the plank ’ .
3 Whoever was the ‘ brains ’ behind CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS : THE DISCOVERY ( Cert 15 ; General ) should be made to walk the plank .
4 We are to walk the quarter of a mile to the Commons and then back again for some ‘ final remarks ’ .
5 Shelley made up her mind , and set off to walk the quarter of a mile .
6 Three minutes later , Payton put a precise pass through the home defence , and John Hendrie accelerated away to walk the ball past Welch for his fifth goal this season .
7 ‘ The Chancellor has tried to walk the knife edge .
8 It is a harsh punishment to have to walk the glider all the way back , particularly after a cable break where the glider lands in the middle of the airfield .
9 He wanted to walk the rest of the way .
10 He managed to detain her long enough for them to tether the horses , because there would be no sense in coming out of the Workshops ( with , or without the prisoner ) and finding that the horses had turned their heads for Tara and that they had to walk the rest of the way to the Fire Court .
11 ‘ I 'll have to walk the rest . ’
12 After we 'd satisfied ourselves that there was sufficient prey I went off to walk the terrain .
13 It is not merely that there are portraits of him at every turn , for there are almost as many of Inglis , nor could it be claimed that he was the greatest lawyer , for he had many rivals for that title even in his own generation , yet it is beyond argument that he was the most influential advocate ever to walk the floor of Parliament House .
14 One big mistake I made , being used to handling Dawn , was trying to walk the hawk all the way back to its perch .
15 He was cold to the bone , and with the first faint grey of pre-dawn he got up and began to walk the passageway , stamping his chilled feet with an infinitely small , puny sound against the flags of the flooring .
16 In spring or autumn , the moon has sometimes tempted me out to walk the shore , confident of magical encounters .
17 Two senior Ross-shire men were ordered to walk the boundary , as they knew it , being sternly warned before they set off : ‘ Mind , your feet are on oath . ’
18 She rose early , determined to walk the day away , give the woman her space .
19 Phoebe was surprised ; she had somehow thought that after Rachel 's sterling conduct of the night before , she would now take charge , go on looking after them all , manage everything for them and leave her free to walk the road that she had to walk .
20 They 'd have to walk the road in both directions , and it would take them some time .
21 He ran the trolley down to the corridor 's end and left it there for someone else to pick up and use , and then he doubled back and started to walk the distance to the locker room .
22 Jacky first took an interest in golf when he was about six years old : ‘ When I was old enough to be able to walk the mile or so to the course . ’
23 He got out of the car and went up and down on his haunches a few times to ease some of the stiffness from his legs , then started to walk the mile or so back to the hotel gates .
24 Usually you will be allowed to walk the course the day before .
25 It seemed like every time I went out to walk the course I came back with wet feet . "
26 He 's sitting in on behalf of MoD the Army and because he 'll have to walk the dog if he gets home early . ’
27 the first time you ring , I 'm usually only out long enough to walk the dog and do some shopping
28 Yeah , that 's what Alan said they were away were n't they , she 'd only gone to walk the dog
29 To walk the length of a great basilica from porch to apse was to make the journey of salvation and find oneself in ‘ a place of perfection , the heavenly Jerusalem , its walls and buildings made in heaven , transferred to this spot ’ .
30 Well Taylor might pray that he does not lose Gascoigne through injury again , and to the manager 's credit he is prepared to walk the tightrope with him .
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