Example sentences of "quantity of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On several occasions though the program also brought back a quantity of junk graphics suggesting that its overlay technique was n't foolproof .
2 Feed small quantity of infusoria .
3 ‘ I am very pleased indeed that a quantity of equipment has already been sent by the Cheshire Fire Brigade to the fire department in St Petersburg and that the county fire officer is pursuing the possibility of extending the scheme with technical help .
4 The School has responded positively to the technological demands of the new Standard Grade courses and has installed in the Department ten ‘ Applemac ’ computers adding to the not inconsiderable quantity of equipment already there .
5 They are also fundamental to improving the quality and quantity of provision in health and social services , and to combating poverty .
6 The Delft Cycle Plan of 1979 recognised the deteriorating conditions for many cycle trips within the city and designated four criteria for plan development : quality of facilities , quantity of provision , continuity of the network and comfort in its use .
7 Scientific tests recorded a great reduction in satiety level when subjects were fed apple juice ( apples with their fibre removed ) compared with the same quantity of apples eaten whole .
8 In fact the effluent which was being discharged contained a very high quantity of zinc which was killing the fish .
9 Towards the end of her life Marilyn Monroe was becoming increasingly unstable emotionally , consuming a growing quantity of medicaments and attending frequent psychiatric counselling sessions .
10 Linen , when new , had a certain quantity of starch applied , thereby making it slightly stiff whilst remaining pliable ; wrapped in such material a body would be given a neat , crisp appearance and presentable for viewing , the shroud being drawn away from the features for this purpose .
11 It was normally assumed that the quantity of differences as measured by some typological evaluation among assemblages ( usually subjective intuition ) is a measure of ethnic affinity between the groups responsible for the archaeological remains .
12 Left behind was a remarkable amount ( some 22 metres ) of soil and occupational refuse consisting of a vast quantity of stone tools , bones and empty shells .
13 In the annual report of the Ministry of Health it had been said that it was the practice , in some wards , to require a casual who was locked in a cell by himself to break a given quantity of stone , often very hard , down to a specified standard of size which was reached when it could be passed through a ring :
14 Sometimes brick tracery was used , sometimes the small quantity of stone needed was found for important buildings .
15 Further , it is assumed that units of consumers ' and producers ' surplus can be added and subtracted , i.e. a unit of surplus represents the same quantity of benefit irrespective of whether it accrues to the buyer or seller .
16 He told me about the sheer quantity of submissions that the Review received and regretfully had to reject , and spoke admiringly of much of the material that does come to him .
17 Recall from Figures 15–6 and 15–8 that the efficient quantity of pollution is not zero but rather the level at which the social marginal cost of cutting back pollution equals its social marginal benefit .
18 We began this section by noting that , if free markets tend to overpollute , society can reduce pollution either by regulating the quantity of pollution ( as it does ) or by using the price system to discourage such activities by taxing them .
19 Any allocation in which different firms have different marginal costs of reducing pollution is a socially inefficient way to reduce the total quantity of pollution .
20 First , it would be necessary to monitor the quantity of pollution of each firm in order to assess its tax liability .
21 Thus , regulating the total quantity of pollution and conducting a series of spot checks on individual producers to see that they are not violating agreed standards is a relatively simple policy which may avoid the worst outcomes .
22 Thus , the total quantity of pollution is regulated , but firms that can cheaply reduce pollution have an incentive to do so , and sell off the ERC to firms for which pollution reduction is more expensive .
23 For example , if the quantity of sheet piling was increased in a temporary works item a variance would be identified between the budget and actual costs .
24 Poor Madame Moulton found that Princess Metternich had acquired a quantity of corn on the cob which she had persuaded the Empress to have cooked and served so that Mme Moulton could give a demonstration of how it should be eaten .
25 There was extensive trading in coal , which was brought up the river from Yarmouth , and the rich tracts of land surrounding the town produced a considerable quantity of corn , particularly barley .
26 I am told you have bought up a large quantity of corn lately , which has been the means of raising the price of corn to such a degree , as to incense the tinners so much against you … that I am credibly informed no less than a thousand of them will be with you tomorrow early : they are first to assemble at Chacewater and then proceed for Falmouth .
27 The thief escaped with a quantity of cheques and documents .
28 But the marginal cost of the last film equals the value of meals sacrificed , the price of meals multiplied by the quantity of meals forgone by using labour to make that last film .
29 Mrs Goreng used her husband 's influence to impound every bottle on the island , as well as a stupendous quantity of crates of beer .
30 Ten thousand birds and an equal number of chicks constitute an enormous quantity of meat .
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