Example sentences of "stated [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Richard Feynman , said to be the greatest theoretical physicist of modern times , stated that no-one understands quantum mechanics .
2 In anger he stated that no-one ever suggested that a billion dollar a year business should operate without a proper board of management .
3 Lilley stated that nothing was ruled out in his review .
4 Stell 's owner , Gary Morrison , had complied with all the other requirements of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 , and had registered , insured , tattooed and electronically tagged his pet , but the court in Bristol stated that they had ‘ no option ’ but to order the destruction of the dog .
5 Burrows stated that they had taken some seventy statements that night and he could not remember the Wells document .
6 In a recent study by Willis and Nutter ( 1990 ) of 136 publicly funded utilities and municipalities in the UK 57 per cent stated that they were inhibited in their GIS developments by ‘ a lack of staff with the right expertise ’ .
7 Those that did write back stated that they were very happy with their present designs .
8 The dogs warden who had originally transferred the dogs from Oxford to the police kennels confirmed that Robbie and Sophie were the dogs he had taken , and Mrs Sumner — breeder of the Sharmas ' dogs — stated that they were certainly not the dogs she had sold .
9 A majority of airlines ( 18 out of 23 ) stated that they had not changed their accounting policies within the last three years , although one executive suggested they were not adequately disclosing such changes in their financial statements .
10 ‘ They stated that they did not want him to exist in this fashion . ’
11 Ian Peacock , Executive Director of the LTA , stated that they had decided not to go , ‘ for different and personal ’ reasons — a statement that left one bemused and in the dark .
12 However , eyewitnesses stated that they saw soldiers simulating a leg injury in order to corroborate the above statement .
13 In early September Belgium and France stated that they would place the memorandum on the agenda of the forthcoming meeting of the Permanent Committee of the Brussels states .
14 Only six stated that they would offer a translation of the documents .
15 Over 90 per cent stated that they frequently supervised and assisted small groups of children engaged in educational activities set by the teacher , and encouraged children by offering appropriate attention and by showing interest in their activities .
16 In a recent survey of consultant staff supervising preregistration house officers in Yorkshire 79% admitted that they had had no training in educational method , yet three quarters stated that they would like it .
17 Twenty four respondents stated that they delegated some of the responsibility for house officer teaching to other junior medical staff and to ward sisters .
18 A member of the Thames Valley police force stated that they had no information to suggest the thefts were linked .
19 Of those who reported that their disability handicapped them in some way , 90 per cent stated that they ‘ had to take special care ’ and 86 per cent reported a restricted work or social life .
20 Had it been essential to inject , many ‘ new ’ users stated that they would probably not have experimented with heroin in the first place .
21 However , most of the interviewees stated that they did not perceive this process taking place .
22 It must be pointed out that some interviewees stated that they ‘ abused ’ their GPs , for example , ‘ hitting ’ their GP for methadone when there was a ‘ drought ’ of heroin .
23 Six stated that they were embarrassed to talk about their habit ‘ in public ’ .
24 Several of these later informants from the known sector stated that they had only decided to agree to participate after a close friend or acquaintance had been interviewed .
25 A number of interviewees ( 12 per cent ) stated that they did not object to nominating others for the actual snowball sample itself because they could first ask the nominee , but would not furnish identity codes on an indiscriminate basis .
26 Significantly for the church , he criticized the PDC presence in the military juntas and stated that they were only being used to cover up its repressive military character .
27 By a letter dated 23 October 1991 they stated that they did not intend to intervene or be heard and that , since the paragraph applied only to disclosure by the defendants in compliance with the order it would not prevent them from using any material which they had already obtained or which they might obtain independently .
28 The justices made the residence orders , stated that they adopted the guardian ad litem 's view of the local authority 's actions , and ordered the authority to pay the father 's costs assessed at £7,171 .
29 This demonstrated the importance of family factors in determining the occupational choice of rural school-leavers — nearly 42 per cent of the respondents stated that they had been influenced by their family in their decision to work on the land .
30 In both the reported cases the patients stated that they had inhaled or ingested a foreign body .
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