Example sentences of "till [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We could slot in our ag our agreed words erm that would n't , would n't have to wait till the Regional Liaison Group met because we 've just got the three kingp king kingpins hopefully er and , and try and er you know circumvent that .
2 As a result of the stimulus given by Governments , mostly Conservative , to the building of small houses , and the free play of competition in the building industry , costs fell greatly , till the average cost of a council house in 1939 was £380 , instead of £930 in 1920 .
3 But that only happened sometimes and when it did she would take out her account book and force herself to concentrate on its columns till the dangerous exhilaration had gone .
4 Open nightly from 9.30 p.m. till the wee sma' hours , except Mondays .
5 The minute she 'd gone Cal grabbed my hand , held it till the front door banged shut , plus another minute to see if her mum would open it again to shout ‘ But what do I say if they ask — ? ’
6 till the dumb cry out .
7 It is then covered with water , placed on a fire , and simmered till the desirable depth of colour is obtained .
8 Till the idle Numbers tire :
9 Till the old governor comes and some , some trainers saddle them , but some leave it to travel head lad .
10 Later various Far Eastern forms with a more or less conspicuous white neck ring and lower back and rump mainly green , torquatus group , ( 2 ) were introduced , and these have interbred not only with colchicus type but with other subspecies introduced from time to time , till the British Isles and much of W Europe are occupied by an indescribable amalgam of pheasant forms from all over Asia .
12 The earliest examples of this type in which the identity of the murderer is no longer a secret to be kept till the closing pages pre-date the blueprint detective story 's heyday .
13 And Ann , till the very end , seems somehow to have been a member of no chapel and yet of every chapel ; here she was , being afforded a burial service by courtesy of the Badcox congregation , yet being laid claim to at the same time by a neighbouring Dissenting church : Sheppards Barton Baptist Chapel registers include the entry : ‘ Anne Titford .
14 Till the whole sky dives shut like a burned land back to its spark —
15 It was n't like that in the past , till the betraying chiefs invented title deeds and laws to suit themselves — at the cost of the people who were tricked , pillaged and deported .
16 From another it was simply teased out tragedy which had begun with the cruelly pragmatic strangulation of the Inca ( King ) Atahualpa in Cajamarca , followed by the systematic looting of the empire 's wealth and the suffering of its peoples till the Inca kingdom was reduced to the forest sanctuary of Vilcabamba .
17 What is known is that the truce will only hold till the losing interest group can find the opportunity to create another conflict which it might win .
18 The nimblest escapees hopped across the heads of the living and the dead , till a twisted ankle or a gasping angry hand brought them down .
19 till a sudden blast of January
20 Sublime grace and accuracy , a ballet of two blades almost dancing together in an aerial pas de deux was the aesthetic of the duel — for a minute , two minutes , three , till a single quicksilver cheek wound decided the contest .
21 But our guy very I mean basically what happened is our guy waited till a senior officer went into the the screen
22 His son worked in the Rhodesian Broadcasting Corporation here , till an English lad , totally unqualified , came and was immediately employed above him .
23 I thought the hand-cranking on the ‘ 109 a bit dodgy , till an impatient Navy pilot threw me off the wing of a Harvard into the prop , miraculously only tearing my jacket and grazing my arm , putting me in dock for a couple of days .
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