Example sentences of "estimated at [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The oceanic input of PCBs from five southern California sewage treatment plants was estimated at nearly 200 tonnes per year in 1972 .
2 The total cost was estimated at nearly £70,000 ( well over £2,000,000 today ) .
3 Membership of the NKLP was estimated at nearly 700,000 in a pyramidal structure at the base of which ‘ is an enormous mass of virtually illiterate farmers , numbering perhaps half a million , as well as about 180,000 uneducated factory workers ’ .
4 East Germans had substantial savings , estimated at nearly 180,000 million East German marks , and many feared that these might be drastically devalued when a currency union was introduced .
5 Total interest owed to all foreign creditors , which had not been paid since July 1989 , was estimated at nearly $10,000 million .
6 The cost of processing such a large number of documents has been estimated at approximately 10% of the invoice value of the goods -a significant cost by any standard .
7 Sensing this , the Coal Board struck what was intended to be a mortal blow — refusing to carry out the preventative works and offering us a mere £25,000 towards past damage which had been estimated at well over £100,000 .
8 One of the most serious industrial disputes in Australian history , involving the country 's two domestic airlines , caused in the second half of 1989 and early 1990 massive losses to the Australian economy estimated at well over A$1,000 million , in particular in the tourist industry .
9 The trouble is that although Radio 3 may be the most successful network of its kind in the world , it appeals to a minority — estimated at just five per cent of the population , mostly white , male and over 50 .
10 The total direct expenditure on training of our sample was just under £280,000 in 1983/4 , and estimated at just under £300,000 for 1984/5 .
11 He built up his property and leisure group to pre-tax profits estimated at just under £100 million in 1990 .
12 Gross domestic product ( GDP ) growth rate in 1989 was estimated at just over 10 per cent , slightly lower than the 1988 growth rate of 11 per cent .
13 By mid-May the government 's request for emergency relief supplies estimated at just over US$670,000,000 , with an additional US$740,000,000 for reconstruction , had met with pledges totalling only US$450,000,000 .
14 Not surprisingly Brazil has the best hydro-electric power potential of any country in the world estimated at over 200,000 MW or around four times the capacity of the UK 's national grid .
15 Unspent receipts from the sale of council houses , for example , were estimated at over £6 billion in 1987 ( Page , 1987 ) .
16 Indeed , the risk on acute psychiatric units has been estimated at over 50 times the risk in the general population ( Fernando and Storm 1984 ) .
17 They also used loudspeakers to address the pilgrims and collected thousands of signatures on a petition against mining from the crowd , estimated at over 40,000 .
18 He received £pound50 damages and costs , a total estimated at over £pound650 .
19 Estimated at over 1,000,000 .
20 The external debt burden , now estimated at over 1,000,000 million francs CFA , was a serious impediment to real economic improvement .
21 The budget deficit for 1990 was estimated at over 2,000,000 million dong , or some 7.7 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) .
22 ‘ Each reported manual handling injury results on average in 20 days off work — estimated at over three million working days per year in total .
23 Turnover is now estimated at over $5 billion a year , making the animal trade the most profitable international illegal enterprise after the world trade in narcotics .
24 And the price is a heavy one — compensation pay-outs for 1992-93 alone have been estimated at over £100m .
25 The direct costs of financial regulation are estimated at over £100 million per year in running costs ( Lomax 1987 ) , and some ( e.g. Goodhart 1987 ) would regard this as a conservative estimate .
26 The total spending power of the University , its staff and its students is estimated at over £70m , most of which is spent directly in the local community .
27 They supported a total population estimated at about 100 million , which remained more or less static from 1600 to 1850 — or about 5 people per square mile of cultivable land .
28 In 1982 the total stock of that investment in Africa was estimated at about $13 billion , with over half of it still concentrated in the production and export of primary commodities .
29 The British Sub Aqua Club ( BSAC ) has just reported a record-breaking year , with the number of dives off the UK coast estimated at about two million — 100 per cent up on the previous year .
30 The exact size of its staff is secret but was estimated at about 20,000 in the early 1980s .
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