Example sentences of "desperate for [det] " in BNC.

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1 They 're desperate for that first drink .
2 They 're desperate for that first drink .
3 well they 'd of been here thought of been desperate for that would n't you ?
4 In a lull , she drifted up to see to the babies , but misjudged mounting the stair ; Bridhe , desperate for more hands , was coming down and grabbed her .
5 Many advisers were desperate for more space : the bureau general office being too crowded with administrative workers who should have their own area ; they wanted easy access to the information system without too much clutter ; some suggested that the telephone adviser should be in a separate area and a separate receptionist area be allocated , and a coffee machine be available for clients .
6 Desperate for more titles , but have n't got the dosh ?
7 The Roker Park men are desperate for more drive and Brnovic , who has won more than 30 Yugoslavia caps , could provide it .
8 She was desperate for more of him ; her body ached for fulfilment , for the feel of his need and strength inside — so that when he entered her , when she felt that first wondrous thrust , which brought both pleasure and pain , it was as she 'd always dreamed , and as his urgent rhythm continued , bringing them both to that glorious peak of exhilaration , Robyn cried out his name , held him close to her for a moment and wished things could be like this forever .
9 Bates is desperate for more success and Porterfield spent more than £6million in an attempt to produce it .
10 The 19 year old Hibernian winger with his jet black hair , flamboyant skills and star-struck image was the typical innocent abroad , a player of immense natural talent who was lured to London , to find fame and fortune , but found a city caught in the fanfare of pop culture , desperate for another toy to play with .
11 Restless , she scans the room , desperate for another glimpse of our little Limnititzker princess .
12 I would be willing to pay for any books or copies or , if anyone has an old machine that could be used for spares , I am desperate for these bits .
13 Being a firm believer in the ‘ start 'em young ’ policy but desperate for any player I can get to fill out the first team , I have completely overhauled the youth squad .
14 He had made sure that Oliver was so lonely and miserable that he would be desperate for any friends , however criminal .
15 Political parties have their place , but there is a desperate need for a formation which can unite those attracted to post-punk anarchism , those desperate for any kind of reform , and those engaged in all the various fields of opposition amongst my generation .
16 We 're desperate for those at work
17 She tried to mask her true feelings from her mother and sister , but her throat ached with tension and she felt desperate for some action to be taken , to try to search for him .
18 I 'm desperate for some kind of help .
19 Although we have been playing teams which have been going through crap periods , I think this has worked against us as all the opposition players and fans etc have been desperate for some sort of result .
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