Example sentences of "carry out the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the producer hurried the film prematurely into production , or the director did n't carry out the necessary preparation .
2 Would you carry out the execution ?
3 This , more developed , scheme outlined the much criticized recommendation of setting up an inner Cabinet of five which would carry out the needed programme of economic reform .
4 It predicts that swarms of robots will carry out the most dangerous tasks and soldiers will be able to adapt their genetic make-up to improve the body 's protection against chemical and biological warfare .
5 the task can be systematized or programmed in some way so that others can carry out the routines strictly to your requirements , thus reoccurring items are frequently delegated without undue risks being incurred
6 Our Appointed Repairers Scheme is designed to supplement this inspection service and if you live in an area covered by the Scheme and you intend to make a claim under the policy for damage to your motor car we suggest that you consult one of our Appointed Repairers who will offer you the following advantages should they carry out the repair : —
7 Finally , programme implementation and evaluation helps the client carry out the programme chosen .
8 As an executive his functions must be exercised impartially and he must carry out the policy as decided by the council free from any political bias .
9 If the governors fail to do this , the LEA can carry out the work and deduct the cost from the delegated budget .
10 As Derek Hatton , Deputy Leader of Liverpool City Council put it , ‘ We 'd want to make sure that … those who are employed to manage and carry out the policies which we decide are those who are in general sympathy with those policies ’ ( Gyford , 1985b , p. 58 ) .
11 In this model , testing consists of checking that the students can carry out the task by the criteria detailed in the objectives .
12 It must be reformed before it will carry out the reaction again , thus making the reaction uneconomical as an industrial process ( particularly as iridium is very expensive ) .
13 As a professional practice grows , so the work of the equity partners can change from direct involvement in a project to the organisation of a structure in which others can efficiently carry out the work .
14 Very often one individual with only a small time commitment can carry out the initial investigation and appraisal aspects of a project , but once the scheme is under way the resource level may have to be increased in order to cater for the client 's time-scale .
15 The contractor would then carry out the building work with the supervising officer ( frequently the designer ) managing the contract .
16 He will not himself carry out the work but will invite works contractors to tender for packages of work within the project .
17 ‘ Tonight , you must carry out the business . ’
18 What practical steps can you take to ensure that you can carry out the task you have undertaken with advantage to your parent and without damage to yourself ?
19 No longer through Bibles , sacred texts and holy writ is the world conquered , but by the promise that if the poorest countries will carry out the prescriptions — indeed , the orders — of the western financial institutions , they too will achieve the levels of affluence and ease that they see in the western world .
20 Should the ENP carry out the nursing care/treatment of all her patients , or should she delegate some of this work ( such as dressings or plastering ) to other nurses ?
21 Another issue , which commentators are keen to see debated widely , is the question of whether the Institute can effectively carry out the dual roles of protecting the interests of both the public and its members .
22 ‘ Then you will carry out the prince 's design ? ’
23 If these enhancements and/or modifications are recognized to be universally applicable , will carry out the necessary work and will bear the cost of this .
24 Luke even hints that the Romans did not carry out the execution of Jesus but that the responsibility was that of the Jews ( Luke 23:25–26 ) . )
25 Undaunted by this tremendous loss , Chris Horsley , co-owner of the Spitfire with Nick , decided that the restoration should go ahead as planned and that MAPS should carry out the work .
26 Lazy bitch , she was : lying on this couch day after day feeling too bad to move ; but she could go upstairs and carry out the duties of a wife whenever the fancy took her .
27 They will carry out the procedures initiated by the Lexicographer Group on instruction from the Computer Group .
28 We shall first carry out the ciné-weave .
29 The power relationship underlies such an instruction because if an employee does not carry out the instruction then managers are entitled to exercise sanctions which are the manifestation of their power — the ultimate sanction being the sacking of an employee .
30 The member States of the Commission could not carry out the duties entrusted to the Commission .
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