Example sentences of "responses to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In the next issue , we will publish a number of responses to Eric Hobsbawm 's article .
2 The drug aniracetam , which potentiates responses to AMPA by preventing desensitization , has been used to explore how AMPA receptors may be modulated in LTP .
3 While both the philosophical and sociological responses to Mannheim 's work was critical and did not exactly embrace the sociology of knowledge as an exciting new project , it has been recognized as a promising new area for development .
4 There have been two important responses to Cohn 's argument , both of which emphasize the nature of social conflict in Indian society .
5 Responses to Jesus
6 The purpose of this chapter is to look at the varying responses to Jesus found in the Synoptic Gospels .
7 The responses to Cadbury demonstrate that while there is a will to improve corporate governance , there is no real consensus on the detailed application .
8 However , responses to Newbolt were to become the focus of the first major ideological rift within the class-based cultural movement , a rift which was to undermine the strategy proposed in the Report and usher in an era in which English would be constituted in much more limited cultural terms .
9 There are other , less well publicised reasons for interest in attempts to make metallic hydrogen and in the hydrogen-palladium experiments which bear on some subsequent responses to Fleischmann and Pons ' work .
10 The idea that literary texts may trigger more than one level of reading is also central to Irene Fairley 's paper , which is a discussion of a corpus of interpretative responses to Sylvia Plath 's poem " Mushrooms " .
11 Joseph Seery , of Darlington , says the responses to John Cole 's column on third-world famine relief ( 24 April ) , on which I commented here on 1 May , ‘ are , I hope , a fantasy … part of an experiment to see how far imaginary outrageous statements can go before their authenticity is challenged .
12 The various responses to John Cole 's points on famine relief ( itemised in Letters report , 1 May ) I read with weariness .
13 The sheer size of the audience would have made the decade significant but what is of more interest in the 1930s was the way in which responses to Hollywood became more and more complex .
14 The swelling letters pages were occupied with responses to Michael Eaves , a correspondent who had suggested axing the ‘ What 's Happening ’ section , record reviews , and ads from the paper — which would have neatly killed it some years before its time — led by a contribution from one of It 's founders , David Mairowitz , ‘ who broke his b***s [ asterisks his ] seeing that It 1–10 got put together and printed . ’
15 And women 's responses to Oz 's sexual attitudes were muted .
16 The ASB still takes the view that appropriate disclosures of this kind can assist users of financial statements , but in the light of the responses to FRED 1 concluded that the concept can best be developed within the ASB 's proposals for an Operating and Financial Review to support a company 's annual report — ie as part of a wider discussion of a company 's performance .
18 This is because the different responses to Gettier all stem from different diagnoses of the way in which the tripartite analysis is lacking ; once we know what is missing , it should be quite a simple matter to add it .
19 As we shall see , this is a danger with a number of responses to Gettier .
20 Much of SAVE 's work takes the form of responses to Mayday calls from local people concerned about the imminent loss of a local landmark .
21 Lower seroconversion rates in 9-month-olds than in 6-month-olds could be due to a higher incidence of infections with non-polio enteroviruses or other enteric pathogens , which are known to interfere with antibody responses to OPV .
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