Example sentences of "dozen [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So realism suggests a limit on the number of candidates , and if in some Irish constituencies there are a dozen or even a score the reason is that they include candidates of small or perhaps minuscule parties besides more or less cranky independents : the two major parties are not responsible .
2 This particular accident , like so many others , would never have happened if just one of the dozen or so people at the launch point had recognised the danger and shouted ‘ stop ’ .
3 But he was to spend the next dozen or so years of his life as a partial invalid .
4 While the quality of play , and competition , at the top end of the women 's game has increased superbly in the last few years , the drop off after the first half dozen or so , is still equally evident .
5 After the banks ' nationalisation he sold most of his interests in the dozen or so companies he had created and drawn his wealth from , and committed himself to combating the existing political system .
6 Every dozen or so cheeses I 'd sigh and say ‘ Gra , is this really funny ? ’ and he 'd puff on his pipe calmly and say , ‘ Yes , get on with it . ’
7 Now about a dozen or so of those are to go ahead with funds of up to Ecu250,000 a year for three years .
8 Every day half a dozen or so old ladies leave a million pounds or more , generally widows whose major asset was a decent house in the South-east .
9 From the dozen or so per week when the band is in the studio , there will be up to 100 per week as they go on the road .
10 The top dozen or so jockeys would expect to ride over half the winners in a season .
11 But were it not for the perceived economic might of a more unified Economic Community , the dozen or so nations of the Pacific Rim , who have been meeting in Australia , might not have bothered .
12 The Canadian has an operating crew of five ( excluding the dozen or so service staff ) and no one is entirely clear what they all do : fill out forms mostly , so far as I could see .
13 Researchers around the world have only a dozen or so AFMs , compared with hundreds of STMs .
14 It will release a dozen or so films this year with an average cost of $5m , all aimed at audiences too small for the big studios to chase .
15 And in the course of each evening numbers rose from a dozen or so to a hundred , and then diminished as people wandered away to supper .
16 I was relieved to see a dozen or so people form up in front of me .
17 Among the dozen or so ‘ King 's yeomen ’ and ‘ King 's serjeants ’ appointed to Forest wardenships were Robert of Stopham , one of the king 's huntsmen , who became warden of the forests of Clarendon and Groveley 1249–59 , and Master Walter of Durham , ‘ the King 's serjeant and painter ’ , appointed in 1271 to keep the forest of Galtres , along with John of York , another royal serjeant .
18 But the dozen or so Erk sympathisers are no match for the rest of the 500 deputies — all members of the People 's Democratic Party , the former communists who regrouped under a new name after the failed Moscow coup .
19 For example , in a dozen or so villages during 1928 and 1929 , Pateman and a young teacher , W. P. Baker , provided short courses of the Chapter III type on rural history .
20 Nightlife is informal , with a dozen or so quiet bars and about 15 restaurants offering delicious home made pasta dishes .
21 Four yemery trees shaded the cabin and a dozen or so pines were scattered across the upper slope .
22 Beyond the pine , and a little lower on the cliff , a dozen or so bushes grew from a wide fissure .
23 Noakes was busy hosing down one of the dozen or so grey slate slabs ranged along each wall .
24 This has the same view as Philip Swallow 's , but is smaller — indeed , rather too small for all the furniture it contains : a desk , bookcases , filing cabinets , a table and a dozen or so unstacked stacking chairs .
25 The main road from Lulling to its nearest neighbouring Cotswold town ran along one side of Thrush Green , and a less important lane threading its way to half a dozen or so sleepy little hamlets , skirted the other side .
26 ‘ I 'll just tidy these up , ’ said her host , stuffing a dozen or so unwashed socks behind the grubby cushion .
27 AS YOU CAN imagine , the dozen or so habitations , and their inmates , became very dear to me over the years , and gradually took over from reality .
28 He passed the same group of children playing on the rocks and was surrounded , as on the previous day , by a dozen or so pairs of inquisitive hands , young but not so innocent .
29 Ninety-two elements exist in nature and another dozen or so have been made by nuclear physicists .
30 It is not simply a matter of firing a dozen or so casters into the swim every few minutes ; it is a case of knowing just when to step up the feed , when to slow it down , and when to cease feeding altogether .
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