Example sentences of "demanded [that] he " in BNC.

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1 He placed a loaded pistol against his face and demanded that he dismount .
2 Reason demanded that he should recoup his strength before turning back after the verderers .
3 His employer warned him that his behaviour had already caused several customer complaints and was even affecting business relations , and demanded that he stop .
4 Carla sent him a lawyer 's letter , demanded that he pay her £500 and write a grovelling letter , which she now has framed .
5 ‘ Hang him , hang him ’ , they cried , and demanded that he go on trial .
6 However , Mr Kagan having been invited , courtesy demanded that he should be received as a guest ought to be received .
7 But custom , who holds all things in her grip , especially the train of courtship in the Noonday of Italy , demanded that he take the initiative in wooing and she remain wordless , especially in company .
8 We now demanded that he should escort us into Bahdu .
9 Although Tshisekedi eventually conceded , Mobutu then demanded that he be allowed to nominate a further 10 ministers , giving him effective control .
10 A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman on Oct. 10 rejected a proposal made by the Dalai Lama in a speech in the USA on Oct. 9 to return to Tibet for the first time since 1959 , and demanded that he abandon his support for Tibetan independence .
11 The centre-right Popular Action ( AP ) party , led by former President Fernando Belaúnde Terry ( 1980-1985 ) , which rejected Fujimori 's new date for municipal elections , now set for Jan. 29 , 1993 , and stated that " more than 17 political parties " demanded that he reverse the decision to postpone them from November 1992 [ see p. 38959 ] .
12 On Aug. 11 the Supreme Soviet in emergency session had deprived him of the additional powers granted on April 30 [ see p. 38916 ] , and , in a resolution passed on Aug. 14 on extricating the country from crisis , censured him for " indecisive and at times incompetent policy " and demanded that he and the government take all measures to implement the July peace agreement [ for which see p. 39010 ] .
13 Undeterred , the opposition demanded that he be questioned at the hospital .
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