Example sentences of "thrown in for " in BNC.

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1 Network South East has its patriotic red , white , and blue bands with grey thrown in for good measure .
2 If you are lucky you might get a codex thrown in for a good measure for telecomms application .
3 They were exactly the sort you 'd expect to see at this kind of activity : mostly middle-aged or older Americans or Germans in running shoes , with a few earnest Guardian readers thrown in for local colour .
4 Like a David Goodis noir novel reset in Deptford with an extraneous espionage plot thrown in for good measure
5 More significantly , for the long term future of the industry , it has launched into a series of alliances , including a development partership with long-time rival Apple , with chip maker Motorola thrown in for good measure , and former IBM allies Intel and Microsoft left out in the cold .
6 It usually ended up as a slow jog with a buck thrown in for good measure .
7 Where we used to see an organ with its automated conductor and maybe a waterfall thrown in for good measure , we now have canned music and disc jockeys aping their favourites from radio or TV and hoping against hope that one day they too may be discovered .
8 The game itself is an interesting mix of platform hopping and hand-to-hand combat , with a few subgames thrown in for good measure .
9 Not that it 'd need to — Grandmaster Chess might be showing its age a bit , but if you can put up with its idiosyncrasies it 's a bargain at £1.99 , especially with Renaissance Othello thrown in for good measure .
10 He offers everyone a serious comparison of Keaton and Charlie Chaplin ( with Harold Lloyd and Fatty Arbuckle trivia thrown in for good measure ) , revealing that Keaton was , for him , the true genius on account of his invention and comic daring .
11 Kharif could be thrown in for the Arpal Chase at Kelso ( 1.40 ) .
12 The quadriathlon , still in its infancy , is basically a triathlon with a gruelling canoe leg thrown in for good measure , and East Anglia has one of the leading exponents in this new sport .
13 EMIGRATING Bob and Elaine Whibley want £57,995 for their home in Patcham , Sussex — with pet duck Howard thrown in for free .
14 Also profiting from the New Europe , with a sprinkling of gardening thrown in for good measure , is Weidenfeld and Nicolson with J.M. Dent 's Germany : Architecture , Interiors , Landscape , Gardens by Christa von Richthofen with photographs by Oliver Benn ( £30 ) .
15 Although in nature the feeding pattern of Etroplus suratensis is markedly herbivorous , in captivity the pattern is omnivorous , greedily devouring all of the usual cichlid foods ie. beef-heart , mussel , bloodworm , shrimp and pond pellets with the occasional lettuce thrown in for additional roughage .
16 This is very much a ‘ people ’ story and concentrates on the day-to-day happenings in The Mob , with a fair amount of humour thrown in for good measure .
17 This is the new , raunchy Kylie ( I use the word ‘ raunchy ’ in its broadest possible sense ) and ‘ Let's Get To It ’ is basically eight desperate attempts at funkiness with two token ballads thrown in for good measure .
18 But while RoboCop is basically an entertaining comedy with some ‘ serious ’ ideas thrown in for ballast , Day of the Dead , despite grotesque comedy elements , mostly involving blood-and-guts , is fundamentally more serious , an adult rather than an ‘ adult ’ movie .
19 Certainly there may be the odd chart or graph thrown in for luck but the basic requirement is for high quality text .
20 But I come here to address you , in all humility , because I am very interested in the subject of your conference ; and with the vanity of an old man I would like to take part , not as an outsider addressing budding scientists — a bit of ‘ general studies ’ thrown in for relaxation between the serious business — but as a fellow enquirer into the workings of the brain .
21 Everybody who buys MSDOS 5.0 gets a disk cache thrown in for free — same applies to DR DOS in its various versions .
22 Back in the good old days , you could manage your practice with nothing more complicated or technologically advanced than a pen , paper and adding machine , with a manual typewriter thrown in for the real forward thinkers .
23 Rory would be nothing more to him than a pleasant extra thrown in for good measure .
24 The ability to laugh at themselves was never more evident as the three took their audience on a comic tour of Jewish life as we know it today with a smattering of politics , anti-semitism and Zionism thrown in for good measure .
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