Example sentences of "accept that a " in BNC.

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1 His Lordship could not accept that a sensible construction of paragraph 19 involved that , provided only the commercial deputising service was large and efficient enough , the FPC was in practice obliged to give its consent even though it knew that the doctor in question intended to delegate his entire practice to such an organisation .
2 Only that intelligent people can surely accept that a man who has a job like mine can accidentally forget that his wife is giving a dinner party without immediately assuming his lapse is due to lack of concern for her . ’
3 I do not accept that a home aquarium system can be devised which requires no water changes at all .
4 One can accept that a certain theoretical position or set of research findings leads to certain conclusions , but one can still question whether these conclusions are relevant to one 's own case .
5 They can take into account a painting 's decline in value if it has actually sold for that price , but because the decline in prices has only occurred at a dealers ' auction , they will not accept that a similar composition by the same artist would automatically be valued at much less than the price paid for it .
6 Nevertheless , society will no longer accept that a self governing profession can be unaccountable for its exercise of power and its use of resources .
7 Retentionists could not accept that a rapist who breaks into a house , violates his victim , and then kills in order to prevent her giving evidence against him , should be treated as having committed a lesser offence than a burglar who kills in the course of theft .
8 Now the purpose of relying on a rights- based argument is frequently to claim an entitlement to act irrespective of the consequences for others , and so if the idea of rights is to be coherent we must accept that a freedom to act in the face of at least some adverse social outcomes is entailed .
9 While one can accept that a high standard of proof is apposite in cases affecting liberty it is very doubtful whether it should apply outside of this area .
10 For example , if pupils are on part-time timetables some staff must accept that a pupil will not attend their class for a period of time .
11 And we hopefully are going to manage our business in such a way that we can accept that a Mini is , is a quality result .
12 First , do we really accept that a man in the act of undressing suddenly decides halfway through that he will hang himself and goes up to the garret without his boots on to carry out the terrible act ?
13 There are very few machines that will accept that a drive has more than 1024 cylinders whilst many IDE drives have 1500 or more cylinders on each platter .
14 Does the Minister accept that a local authority such as Bradford , which tries to provide a wide range of discretionary awards , is inevitably limited by the amount of money that it can give ?
15 Does he accept that a fail-safe system — an automatic train protection system — would cost nearer £390 million and is a matter of urgency ?
16 The majority of LEAs did not accept that a clearly defined technical ability could be clearly identified at the age of eleven .
17 I would be f very surprised if any of the district councils for example , would accept that a new settlement could be plonked down somewhere within their area , without consideration of landscape proposals .
18 We would readily accept that a few members of our profession have , on occasion , behaved deplorably .
19 Mr Orange did not accept that a ‘ carbon tax ’ would solve all the emission problems .
20 They would readily accept that an omnipresent divine being can not be viewed through a telescope , however powerful , just as heaven is not a place which can be spied upon as though it were a distant planet .
21 Obin is quick to point out that this approach is simply a good starting position for the Cobol community , which can easily accept that an existing program is an object .
22 Parliament and government should be elected by popular vote , or a weighted version of it , but once elected , the people should accept that an assembly of " the best and wisest men in the nation " will make better decisions than the people themselves .
23 Does the Minister accept that an example would be a great deal of help to employers in the private sector ?
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