Example sentences of "[modal v] continue to [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Psychiatrists should continue to be involved in the assessment and management of these patients alongside other professionals .
2 Of course the reverse may also be possible , that hostility and resentment build up , but this is all the more reason that a social worker should continue to be available for old people in residential care and the families .
3 He advises that while the unit backs onto our store , as a self-contained unit , it should continue to be available for let on the open market .
4 Both Committees further considered whether sexual intercourse with a girl under 13 should continue to be punishable with life imprisonment or whether the age limit for this offence should be reduced to 12 .
5 Wainwright 's books must continue to be available to all who are prepared to accept his own work , as he wrote it , and as the product of his own generation ( and preferably bearing the cherished stamp of the Westmorland Gazette ) .
6 Economically it remains true that it is inordinately expensive to construct a system which must continue to be reliable without direct human intervention , for example under the sea or in space .
7 And the adults with whom they interact must continue to be interested in what they have to say , more concerned to answer questions and to sustain and extend their interests than to tell them what the adults think they ought to know and then to check that they can remember what they were told ( Wood , 1983 ) .
8 Fourth , the Port of London would continue to be one of the world 's great ports .
9 Some of the children in our study felt desperately disappointed that they had not been adopted , and yet they did have a home which would continue to be available to them in their adult life and had found a kind of loving , though perhaps not the all-accepting , all-loving parent of their dreams .
10 But even if this were possible a substantial number of lone parents ( about 300,000 on current figures ) would continue to be reliant on the state for at least some period while caring for their children .
11 If this is so , then the directors of a company would continue to be accountable to a share price rather than to a body of committed stakeholders .
12 Gaidar ( as Deputy Premier in charge of economic reform — see below for his transfer to the Finance Ministry ) pledged government help for the farmers , promising that they would continue to be eligible for preferential loans , and that a draft bill to release farmers ' sons from military service was in preparation .
13 Thus they decided that : the number of governors on the school 's policy-making group , the management board , should be increased by three ; the right of governors to attend the meetings of all other groups in the school 's internal consultative structure would be formalised ; the governors would continue to establish task groups and working parties of their own and these would continue to be open to all teachers .
14 By their reasons the justices stated that the girl would continue to be liable to sexual abuse if allowed to return to her family as the mother refused to recognise the responsibility of the father for that abuse and that the mother would not protect the girl from the father on whom the mother was emotionally dependent ; that they had considered that the girl might be cared for by her half-sister but had concluded that it would be difficult to prevent contact between the girl and her father ; that they had formed the view that contact between the girl and her father would be harmful at the present time and therefore the local authority should refuse such contact until the review by the local authority in six months time ; and that there should be supervised reasonable contact between the girl and her mother and between the girl and her half-sister .
15 The themes of savage and city in his work would continue to be important to the moulding of his thought , but would for the moment grow less prominent .
16 I am confident Scottish Nuclear has a long-term future and that it will continue to be one of Scotland 's best engineering companies .
17 In terms of the political system , it can be said to provide the means by which a government is chosen but , despite the results of the 1983 general election , the extent to which it will continue to be capable of providing a government ( at least in the way it has previously done ) remains under question .
18 Yesterday , the deputy chairman and managing director , Geoffrey Whalen , said : ‘ Trading conditions will remain difficult and profit margins will continue to be depressed during 1993 . ’
19 THE property market will continue to be depressed through 1993 , although this is not a reason for you to become depressed .
20 I am delighted that Mr Strachan has agreed to continue to serve as a Trustee , and that his long experience and wise counsel will continue to be available to the Library .
21 The UK Registers of Aircraft and Aircraft Mortgages will continue to be available for inspection at CAA House , Kingsway .
22 Each type of instrument has its particular advantages and disadvantages , and it seems likely that both types will continue to be available for the foreseeable future .
23 However , it is hoped that the logs themselves , which contain a wealth of information about user activity , will continue to be available in hard copy or in unix tar format on ¼in .
24 The Government will ensure that no less than the existing level of resources will continue to be available in the new further education structure and that funding will be apportioned between local education authorities and the funding councils in line with their responsibilities for securing the provision of further education .
25 The following modules from the 1989/90 Catalogue will continue to be available in 1991/92 for centres who have successfully sought approval from SCOTVEC .
26 Chivers publications will continue to be available from Chivers , and Mary Finch at the Chivers sales office in Bath will continue to advise libraries and to take telephone orders .
27 In reply to representations on that matter , my right hon. and learned Friend and I have made it clear that funding will continue to be available from central Government for all types of further education for adults .
28 Advice on health service matters will continue to be available from the six professional advisory committees — the national medical , dental , nursing and midwifery , pharmaceutical , paramedical and scientific services .
29 in the last twenty four hours , and it will continue to be low in the next twenty four hours .
30 It will continue to be true to its founding principles , available to all and free at the point of delivery , ’ she said .
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