Example sentences of "[modal v] be relate to [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Since these ungulates are primarily exploiters of vegetation , it is natural that the range of feeding strategies should be related to different types of browsing and grazing .
2 As my thesis is broadly supportive of small rural schools , I shall attempt to offer possible solutions to the disadvantages , despite the fact that they must be related to implicit value judgements .
3 In its application to the land science must be related to inherent land potentialities .
4 This suggests another reason why memory might be related to subjective risk , simply because it is advantageous to the organism to have memory organized that way ( c.f. J. R. Anderson , 1990 ) .
5 It was immediately hypothesized that the relative degrees of focusing and diffuseness might be related to different degrees of social stability in the communities .
6 Many of the variables which may be related to subjective risk may also be related to subsequent recall of situations .
7 The reason for an increase may be related to increased VLDL catabolism , which in turn produces the apoproteins and lipids forming an integral part of HDL .
8 An abdominal type of fat distribution may be related to increased androgenicity of these women .
9 They suggest that this factor may be related to genetic abnormality or more rapid progression of growth in younger women .
10 Counselling is concerned with coping mechanisms which may be related to physical health problems , or may be personal and linked to relationships , or sociocultural issues including spiritual beliefs , or may be linked to economic difficulties .
11 With this knowledge , electoral behaviour may be related to local area social and economic characterisation .
12 According to this author , management may be related to formal authority within an organisation and managers-get others to do their bidding because of their organisational position .
13 It has been suggested , for instance , that language-impaired children 's problems with syntax may be related to imperfect acquisition of verb argument structures .
14 Activities associated with adjusting income/expenditure would take on greater importance , and would be related to defined shortfalls in resource needs .
15 This learning will be related to future plans for work , education or training and other aspects of the student 's life .
16 These style markers , in turn , will be related to other style markers within the context of the passage 's literary function .
17 Rather than measure degrees of public ( mis ) understanding against some yardstick of ‘ real ’ scientific knowledge , it recognises that science and technology have and implicate a variety of publics , who , in using science at work , in managing their personal lives , or as consumers , will have different kinds of contacts with science , different levels of understanding of its language and ideas , and different conceptions of science and technology which will be related to other aspects of their lives .
18 Some of these changes will be related to neural processes that have little psychological relevance .
19 Massey agrees that the fate of entities which are part of large spatially diverse enterprises can be related to explicit planning decisions , but considers that it is dangerous to somehow regard such actions as ‘ worse ’ than the consequences of the anonymous system forces of capitalism as manifested through market relations .
20 The supposedly most securely dated vessels are those which can be related to Continental chronologies ; vessels which occur on the Continent but not in England date to before the migration , those on both sides of the North Sea to the migration period itself , and those which are only found in England must have developed after the migration period .
21 Not only is the method not scientific but , to the extent that Marx did make certain historical prophecies which can be related to empirical evidence over long periods of time , these can be examined and by and large they have not proved to be valid .
22 Although perhaps the paradigm for the village school was some idyllic haven seen on a summer 's day , the report is still a good review of the position and can be related to other parts of Western Europe .
23 Library education will be more effective if the student understands what he is doing and why he is doing it — that is , if new facts can be related to existing knowledge .
24 Unfortunately , despite the widespread excavations at Alcester , little has been found which can be related to religious practices .
25 The activities of delinquent fans might be more intelligible if they can be related to particular roles and positions with respect to other fans .
26 The parameters appearing in the Richards functions can be related to biological factors .
27 Angular scales , on the microwave background can be related to linear scales , λ , at the present epoch by .
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