Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] little [noun sg] [that] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the basis of the most recent evidence , there could be little doubt that Judas Thomas was indeed Jesus 's brother — the brother mentioned in the Gospels as Jude .
2 There could be little doubt that Richard and his elder brother would give very different answers to these questions .
3 Although there has been a proliferation in inner-city innovations in the 1980s , there can be little doubt that enterprise zones , together with Urban Development Corporations ( see Chapter 6 ) , have been the most significant of initiatives .
4 Opinion such as this was well established long before Hitler rose to power and there can be little doubt that Germanisation was one of the many items of baggage the Prussians left behind for the Nazis to snatch .
5 Yet there can be little doubt that Nizan himself certainly did perceive the party in terms similar to this when he joined its ranks in late 1927 .
6 There can be little doubt that Nizan departed for the Soviet Union in January 1934 in a crusading spirit .
7 There can be little doubt that Nizan was profoundly affected by the 1934 Soviet Writers ' Congress .
8 There can be little doubt that Nizan was ideologically committed to the view that a writer 's allegiance to communism enabled him/her to grasp the true significance of political developments from the inside , that is to say , from the perspective of the proletariat .
9 Probably the best known of the quartets in Britain is No. 8 , composed in Dresden in 1960 and dedicated to the victims of Fascism and of the War , and in view of the constant use of the DSCH motif and the quotations from several of his own pieces , there can be little doubt that Shostakovich considered himself among their number .
10 Whatever one may think of its application to the particular case , there can be little doubt that Banfield has at the very least described in an ideal form a society in which thrift , enterprise , trust and cooperation are impossible , and therefore one in which political and economic development along liberal democratic and capitalist lines are grossly inhibited .
11 There can be little doubt that attractiveness in women is more closely associated with sexuality and sexuality with youth , than is the case for men .
12 There can be little doubt that Hayward had come to rely upon him over that period , and felt in some sense that he had been abandoned .
13 Yet there can be little doubt that Joseph 's reformism was genuine and was combined with an attempt to appeal to the national past ; he encouraged the national theatre , set up a commission to exhume Cervantes ' remains , patronized a national museum of painting .
14 There can be little doubt that Barratt was not very pleased with this intrusion ; these were still early times ; the " dead-work " , development , building , and so on , had to be done .
15 But there can be little doubt that Häagen-Dazs has really put premium ice-cream on the marketing map , not least by its bold , passion-exuding press ads through Bartle Bogle Hegarty .
16 With James McAdam from Coats Viyella ensconced as chairman and Ratner himself still chief executive , there can be little doubt that Ratners will develop a policy of doing what it is best at : selling cheap jewellery cheaply .
17 There seems to be a law in human behaviour that people , in the end , get what they want , and there can be little doubt that Eliot would not have acquired the eminence which he now enjoyed unless on one level he had sought it : he said , in an address delivered during this period , that " … things sometimes become possible if we want them enough . "
18 As the Nuffield historians of the election put it , ‘ There can be little doubt that Mr Attlee had the better of these exchanges ’ .
19 There can be little doubt that radicals would have liked to have gone beyond the sale of monastic land to a wider offensive against ecclesiastical property .
20 There can be little doubt that John Howard , rising from his grave , would find much more that is familiar to him within the prison than across society as a whole .
21 There can be little doubt that liberalization ( by which is meant effective restriction of the colonial trade to a larger number of Spanish merchants than under the old system ) greatly increased the volume and the proportion of Spanish goods in the legal trade , and therefore acted as a direct stimulant to industrial and commercial revival .
22 There can be little doubt that Picasso was excited by the work that Braque brought back to Paris from l'Estaque in which he was drawing such original answers from the questions he had been putting to Cézanne 's art .
23 There can be little doubt that Hitler 's conquests were ideologically bankrupt , but they were built on a profound understanding and wilful exploitation of German fears and ambitions .
24 And , although you do get Patsy Kensit to show that not all Boers are boors , there can be little doubt that casting like this will in the long run do more to bring about the end of white rule in South Africa than Robert Royston 's worthy but long-winded drama of apartheid horrors .
25 There can be little doubt that Hoccleve is describing his own experience .
26 Because an army 's main aim may have been the devastation of land , the destruction of its produce , and the seizure of moveable property , there can be little doubt that war 's chief victims were those who , if they did not live within reasonable distance of a defended town or garrisoned castle , ran great risk to their personal safety .
27 There can be little doubt that Canova 's art deserves the description of ‘ sensuousness ’ .
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