Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] the [noun sg] around the " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , I 'd make the land around the barn blend and unify with the surrounding area ; it would merge with and reinforce the horizon beyond — harmonise rather than stick out like a sore thumb . ’
2 And they had to change because apartheid was at a dead end the people of South Africa were continuing with their struggle the country was ungovernable and there stood the prospect of more sanctions which would bring the noose around the apartheid system .
3 And this will assist the fragmentation around the imagined absoluteness of ethnic differences upon which both the New Right and the ‘ cultural nationalists ’ from the ethnic minorities have been premising their demands for cultural separatism in education ( cf.
4 The Art Council 's Andrew Wheatley and Miss Rawlings , who with Tate Gallery Director Nick Serota chose the 15 new British acquisitions for the collection , will show the Queen around the exhibition at Edinburgh Castle late this afternoon .
5 Two former dray tractors with the appropriate black and gold livery will move the roadshow around the country .
6 Pollution and the break-up of the NCC will dominate the debate around the green bill .
7 … as a musician , you can make the course around the kids , providing that you 're offering them listening experiences from a wide range of music , and they can understand the difference between styles and approaches to composition .
8 Most of them know enough about their swings to make minor compensations and can work the ball around the course quite adequately since they can all revert to a ‘ bread and butter ’ swing , usually with ‘ bread and butter ’ results .
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