Example sentences of "stayed at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We stayed at Dassia , six miles and a 45p bus trip from town .
2 The director , the crew and I stayed at Stromness on the Orkney mainland , in wartime too far to visit because of being at short notice for steam ; and it was an odd feeling crossing over to Hoy in the ferry , then motoring in a taxi down its eastern side to the once familiar anchorage of Gutter Sound .
3 He was created one of Charles I 's first Baronets , and Charles II stayed at Borwick in 1651 en route for Worcester .
4 For much of her pregnancy Diana stayed at Buckingham Palace while painters and carpenters worked at their new London home .
5 Smythson stayed at Longleat on and off until 1580 .
6 The British response was to blockade the main French fleet in Brest , and all through the summer the Channel Fleet under Hawke stayed at sea waiting for the French to come out .
7 I do not remember how long we stayed at Jaipur but every day was packed with excitement .
8 The French housekeeper , who triumphed , stayed at Carlyle Mansions for more than ten years .
9 He ran back to another sailor , Alf Sparkes , son of a Grimsby fisherman , who stayed at Apollo Place whilst on leave .
10 He stayed at Norma 's last night .
11 stayed at Norma 's , and , he 's coming back briefly , because he 's got the football , this afternoon 's a big match on .
12 He stayed at Oxford as a private teacher of botany and flower painting until 1755 , when he returned to London to the friends and patrons who appreciated his great talent .
13 They stayed at Cawdor from Friday lunchtime to Saturday late morning .
14 When we stayed at Skail , Father and I fished the mouth of the river , with our customary skill .
15 He stayed at Bob 's house , Rob 's .
16 Most birds have been seen in December , January or February , but there is one record for October ( 30th , 1949 , Sidlesham ) , one for November , three for March , and one for April , of a bird which stayed at Pagham Harbour from 18 March to 3 April 1962 .
17 Normally the nomes stayed at floor level , but Dorcas had taken to sending his young assistants on to the big desk in the manager 's office occasionally , where there were useful scraps of paper .
18 Sir William Tyrrell one of the less distinguished of the chain of Foreign Office permanent under-secretaries , stayed at Chequers almost once a month , and occasionally at Astley .
19 Nobody was sure where the Headmaster stayed at night .
20 Indeed , in the interval of a gig on his 1986 UK tour , a disgruntled punter was heard to remark : ‘ If I 'd wanted something this cerebral on a Friday night , I 'd ‘ ve stayed at home and read Proust . ’
21 One Sunday in four he refused to go out and stayed at home to read and write .
22 I did n't go back to school after coming out of hospital , I felt that all that potential had gone ; I just stayed at home watching ‘ Rainbow ’ and ‘ Play School ’ .
23 There was also the story , this time true , that she had splashed out $250,000 on a luxury home in the suburbs of her native Melbourne , only to rent it out while she stayed at home with her beloved parents .
24 But student attendances after Christmas were appreciably lower , as cars stayed at home and public transport was withdrawn , and several branches decided not to start a spring course at all , or to restrict them in length .
25 The remainder either stayed at home or moved voluntarily to a relative , neighbour , or friend .
26 If defectors stayed at home the intelligence world would be much better off as a result .
27 Those denied an education remained in hospitals without any form of mental stimulation or simply stayed at home ; a few attended ‘ junior ’ training centres .
28 Presumably Jeanne stayed at home with her baby daughter .
29 While Lord Cardigan was changing his wheel among the heaving insects in the Greek mountains , most people in Europe and America stayed at home .
30 but stayed at home by the fireside
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