Example sentences of "[be] suggested that it [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 It can also be suggested that it was contradicted by another case heard shortly afterwards but which concerned homeworkers not casual workers ( the " Gardiner and Taverna case " ) which was resolved very differently .
2 It is suggested that it be assumed that there will be a need for an interpreter at public meetings , and that this is planned for .
3 It is suggested that it was derived from the hauling of boats along the river and that it was from this place that manual hauling of boats along a tow path began , but in all fairness I think this can be discounted .
4 Why ‘ Nicky Nan Night ’ is not known : it has been suggested that it is associated with ‘ Old Nick ’ , the Devil , and with the slang word ‘ nick ’ , to steal .
5 It includes Conwy and Caernarfon , whose castles were only begun in 1283 and not finished until 1292 , and it has therefore been suggested that it was made over a period of years .
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