Example sentences of "[be] considered [prep] [be] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This may be seen as a measure of the extent to which opportunities for successful study are being provided for students who would traditionally not have been considered to be capable of achieving this success .
2 This would lead us to look not just at the ‘ outputs ’ from institutions , but at the ‘ inputs ’ , and at the achievements of students who would traditionally not have been considered to be capable of achieving success , as well as those who could be expected to perform well on the basis of their previous academic achievements .
3 Although the courts do not refuse in principle to review the exercise of police discretionary powers , they do nevertheless exercise a great deal of caution and restraint to such a degree that it is difficult to see how in practice the principles of judicial review are capable of being used to challenge decisions to issue warrants where these are considered to be necessary for the prevention or detection of crime .
4 There is a move by many environmental agencies both in Mexico and elsewhere for a return to traditional forms of agriculture , as they are considered to be better for the environment .
5 The analysis has indicated that the sands are variably shaly and some anomalous log responses are considered to be due to the presence of secondary minerals , either as cement or detrital elements .
6 The thrombi are considered to be secondary to local injury , stasis or cor-pulmonale .
7 ( Explicit tests are considered to be those in which the ability under investigation is directly requested , whereas in implicit tests the capacity of interest is only involved as an apparently incidental aspect to the procedure . )
8 The second is that the proposals are considered to be impracticable for most small companies and their auditors .
9 It can be shown that the most general form of W in an elastic body is W = and there are two simple forms of this relation applicable to rubbers ( which are considered to be incompressible at all events in mathematical terms though they are not in the strict sense incompressible physically ) .
10 They can therefore be considered to be close to the community they serve and have the potential to be advocates for the health needs of patients .
11 Some of these causes fall into an ‘ organic ’ category , such as delayed maturation , heredity , or age of the child , while others can be considered to be emotional in origin , for example parents ' management method , stress and disturbance in the family .
12 The activity of the solvent can be considered to be equal to the mole fraction of the solvent x 1 .
13 Panov then took the initial solution to be the totally general solution of Szekeres ( 1972 ) , which can be considered to be equivalent to the general solution given here by ( 10.16 ) .
14 If the pages of press coverage , including a Times leader , were anything to go by , the Granada 500 could be considered to be one of the most prestigious and important election programmes of this campaign .
15 The relevant indifference curve may be considered to be that of a ‘ representative voter ’ .
16 The gyroscopes associated with Artifical Horizons are subject to errors both in turns and during fore-and-aft acceleration , but for all practical purposes may be considered to be unaffected by the normal manoeuvres experienced in airline operations .
17 This account of the functioning of the family in modern industrial society may be considered to be defective in a variety of respects .
18 Since neither House can by its own declaration create a new privilege , privilege may be considered to be capable of being ascertained and thus judicially known to the courts .
19 ( 11.30 ) In Section 10.2 it has been argued that this solution must be considered to be unphysical on its own , but it may be included as a factor in more general solutions .
20 Like glass , they may also be considered to be intermediate between liquid and solid .
21 Time and resources spent on music , therefore , may be considered to be disproportionate to its importance in the life of the community .
22 The first dilution is prepared and the tube is then emptied , the amount left being considered to be equivalent to one drop .
23 Areas where the legislation was felt to be insufficiently strong included many rights which were considered to be beneficial in theory but ineffectual in practice .
24 For the second survey a sample of 1.7 million volumes was taken from a number of areas of the Library which were considered to be representative of the book collections as a whole .
25 These complications all occurred within three months of operation and all were considered to be technical in nature .
26 Given any example of a classic scientific theory , whether at the time of its first proposal or at a later date , it is possible to find observational claims that were generally accepted at the time and were considered to be inconsistent with the theory .
27 As the war progressed beauty products became virtually unobtainable and a healthy mind and body were considered to be more of an asset to the war office , to the war effort , than a pretty face and soft skin .
28 The critical aspect to Coal Measures source potential along the flanks of the London-Brabant Massif is considered to be that of maturity and generation timing ( see Eames 1975 and Lutz et al. 1975 ) .
29 The detailed life cycle is not fully known , but is considered to be similar to that of the bovine lungworm , D. viviparus , except in the following respects .
30 But they are worth looking at in that they give an understanding of royal taste in the 16 and 17C , and indeed their founder , Rudolf II , is considered to be one of the greatest European patrons of the arts ( see p. 9 ) .
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