Example sentences of "[be] considered [prep] [be] [adj] to " in BNC.

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1 The analysis has indicated that the sands are variably shaly and some anomalous log responses are considered to be due to the presence of secondary minerals , either as cement or detrital elements .
2 The thrombi are considered to be secondary to local injury , stasis or cor-pulmonale .
3 They can therefore be considered to be close to the community they serve and have the potential to be advocates for the health needs of patients .
4 The activity of the solvent can be considered to be equal to the mole fraction of the solvent x 1 .
5 Panov then took the initial solution to be the totally general solution of Szekeres ( 1972 ) , which can be considered to be equivalent to the general solution given here by ( 10.16 ) .
6 Time and resources spent on music , therefore , may be considered to be disproportionate to its importance in the life of the community .
7 The first dilution is prepared and the tube is then emptied , the amount left being considered to be equivalent to one drop .
8 The detailed life cycle is not fully known , but is considered to be similar to that of the bovine lungworm , D. viviparus , except in the following respects .
9 This layer of attenuated velocity is known as the low velocity zone and the reduction in seismic wave velocities is considered to be due to partial melting in this region of the mantle .
10 for these re ; sons , the Focused model is considered to be superior to the Shotgun model .
11 This conduct is considered to be common to all states , irrespective of their domestic political arrangements .
12 The presence of an attachment figure is considered to be vital to the emotional and social survival of the individual , and when attachments are threatened or removed in any way it can lead to intense forms of attachment behaviour , such as clinging , crying and extreme grief .
13 This was considered to be due to the limited involvement of the officers and the clerical assistant in certain parts of the analysis .
14 This was considered to be due to recognition of semantically similar words to those seen in the course of the experiment .
15 Net fluid transport was considered to be equal to changes in the intestinal weight , which was continuously monitored by connecting the force transducer to a Grass polygraph .
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