Example sentences of "[be] despite the fact that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are interested but that 's as far as it has gone because Alex Ferguson has shown no desire to let him go , and that 's despite the fact that Neil has not been in his first team .
2 This uninspiring performance is despite the fact that West Germany supplies about one-third of gas demand from indigenous reserves .
3 This is despite the fact that art-on-the-walls offers a type of passive entertainment compared with ‘ live ’ acts , so that for the most part ‘ having a look ’ happens during an awkward gap in the conversation or when you 're standing around waiting for your change .
4 They 've had their best breeding season this century ; sixty three pairs have raised a total of seventy young , and this is despite the fact that egg collectors robbed at least eight nests of eggs .
5 This was despite the fact that physics was the most boring subject at school because it was so easy and obvious .
6 This was despite the fact that Churchill , amazingly for a new and over-rewarded recruit to the Conservative Party who twelve years before had nearly broken up the Asquith Cabinet with his demand for a larger navy , began his Chancellorship by presenting an importunate demand to the Admiralty ministers ( who were Baldwin 's closest friends in the Government — Davidson was the junior minister ) for a slashing of the cruiser replacement programme .
7 This was despite the fact that patients maintained on mesalazine were receiving twice the equivalent dose of 5-ASA as those maintained on sulphasalazine .
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