Example sentences of "[be] said [prep] be [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 Eyes closed , the girls move in perfect synchronisation — even though they are said to be untrained in the intricate pattern of the dance .
2 Some of the conventional munitions are said to be equivalent in immediate destructiveness to nuclear weapons .
3 ACE inhibitors are said to be useful in acute myocardial infarction .
4 At the time of writing ( Oct 77 ) the Japanese MSDF are said to be interested in fifteen aircraft to replace its mixed fleet of thirty-four prop driven aircraft .
5 Beef , Chicken , Vegetable and Low-Fat Granular Beef flavours are said to be high in meat , chicken or vegetable extracts .
6 Leibniz 's view is that the sources of individuation lie within the entities themselves ; in other words , entities are regarded as basic , and places are said to be explicable in terms of relations between entities — " entities " meaning here " individual substances " or " monads " .
7 Even the recipe for George Washington 's mother 's gingerbread allegedly found " in an old worn cookery book " dated 1784 , of which the first item on the list of ingredients is ½ cup of margarine , could be said to be honest in the sense that it is candidly admitted that margarine is what is actually now used in the kitchens at Claverton Manor , the American Museum near Bath where both the gingerbread and the leaflet giving the recipe are purveyed to the public .
8 It is true , certainly , that feeling good for no particular reason , and the sensation of warmth , do not involve objects or contents that can be said to be determinate in a certain sense .
9 If talking Patois is best analysed as a social activity rather than a purely informational one , then the narratives by Susan and Stephen can be said to be exceptional in that they do not involve any other participants from the same speech community .
10 Some stolen cattle were transported from the Northern Band to supply the beef market at Kandy ; the Moors of Akurana , a few kilometres north of Kandy , were said to be involved in this trade .
11 Police released a list of survivors : Henry Wyllie , 20 , Helen Lawrie , 48 , and Paula Gaunt , 28 , were discharged from hospital after treatment ; Dawn Howbridge , 19 , and Martin Baptie , 19 , were said to be satisfactory in hospital .
12 It is said to be invisible in its natural state but will form into semi-matter under certain conditions , rather like invisible moist air condensing into a filmy liquid on windows .
13 Mrs Clark is said to be stable in the burns unit of Stoke Mandeville hospital tonight … and according to her son hoping to move back into a new caravan .
14 Mrs Clark is said to be stable in the burns unit of Stoke Mandeville hospital tonight … and according to her son hoping to move back into a new caravan .
15 VITALITE Light is a sunflower oil spread which is said to be high in polyunsaturated fat , and low in saturated fat and cholesterol .
16 The new measures , similar to those in force in Britain and the US , were drawn up over the summer by Mr Lang 's Ministry , which is said to be interested in extending the French insurance model to the whole of Europe .
17 She was said to be stable in Middlesbrough General Hospital last night , but no longer on a ventilator .
18 Brent McCafferty , 26 , was said to be poorly in hospital last night after being stabbed in the arm in an incident outside his home in Colchester Terrace , Sunderland .
19 When Ps. lanisticola was first described by Dr Warren Burgess in 1976 , the hobby was in general not impressed , as the new species was said to be similar in appearance to livingstonii with the main difference being in the dentition .
20 Last night PC Hall was said to be comfortable in Middlesbrough General Hospital .
21 He was said to be comfortable in Middlesbrough General Hospital last night .
22 Last night Pringle was said to be comfortable in Middlesbrough General Hospital .
23 He was said to be comfortable in Leeds General Infirmary with facial injuries and fractures .
24 Last night he was said to be comfortable in the West Highland Hospital , Oban .
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