Example sentences of "[be] likely to be [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This means that by 2001 there are likely to be 18,000 extra cases , all aged over 75 .
2 But if he has to do it all over again , there are likely to be two main changes : a tougher approach from the start and a campaign team which knows what time the Nine O'Clock News starts .
3 The research aims to examine the potential for maritime arms control measures beyond the draft Strategic Arms 1990s , there are likely to be significant political and international developments ( from budgetary problems in the US to pressure on overseas bases ) which will affect the West 's ability to continue deploying at current levels of naval levels of naval superiority .
4 Suffice it to say that whatever the Court of Appeal 's finding there are likely to be significant procedural and resource implications as far as the administration of the complaints system is concerned and these will have to be explored during the coming year .
5 But however good the reviewing agencies are , there are likely to be three major problems about using them .
6 Alpha customers are likely to be those wanting high performance workstations for demanding applications such as modelling that need a large address space .
7 That is , technological spillovers are likely to be large relative to negative pecuniary externalities arising from output markets in the case of research activities and relatively small in the case of development activities , suggesting that co-operative R ventures are more likely to increase innovation than co-operative D ventures are .
8 Lyn Nofziger and Lee Atwater took responsibility for stimulating outside pressure on congressmen from fifty-four swing districts — areas of the country where there were likely to be many conservative activists and where the president had run strongly in 1980 .
9 In the first of what were likely to be several criminal prosecutions resulting from the collapse of the Lincoln , Keating was convicted of misleading small investors over the sale of junk bonds — high-risk , high-yield securities — in American Continental Corp. , of which the Lincoln was a subsidiary .
10 That is likely to be British-style first-past-the-post rules for both houses of parliament — the system that 82% of voters backed in the referendum , though their only alternative was the existing system .
11 Erm but I do feel that there is likely to be some positive spin off for the factories .
12 Course winner Zalon looks the best bet at Sandown with trainer John Gosden 's horses in top form and there is likely to be some heavy money this morning for Farat in the following race .
13 WHILE Nick Faldo was stirring himself back to life again in the Freeport-McMoran Classic with a second round of 69 , Sandy Lyle was left contemplating what he felt was likely to be another missed cut in his final preparation for next week 's Masters .
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