Example sentences of "realised [that] his " in BNC.

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1 Today 's prayer was written by someone who must have experienced the terrible sense of desolation that Cardinal Newman spoke about — it was written by the great composer , Beethoven , at a time when he realised that his deafness was incurable .
2 And now , to his horror and surprise , Pugwash realised that his enemies had lowered their hands , that drinks were being served to them and that the soldiers were transferring their attentions to himself , the Mate , Willy and Barnabas .
3 A man I know told me that he was twenty years old before he realised that his mother really loved him .
4 He begins by telling us that , while researching the novel at the Weizmann Institute , he realised that his ideas for the story were remarkably close to the truth .
5 She was cautious , though , and Edouard , watching her , realised that his relationship with his mother was changing yet again-that it had , perhaps , been altering over a period of time .
6 When they reached the market place , he realised that his father had been right : there were nowhere near as many workers as there had been in previous Novembers .
7 But by the time they got to Maidstone that morning , Neil realised that his passenger was unlikely ever again to face any kind of questioning .
8 Squinting again along the left of the nose I suddenly realised that his head had become completely transparent !
9 As a doctor , Brian realised that his wife 's mother had evidently suffered from the most acute form of agoraphobia .
10 Singers are called upon to exercise this talent more often than instrumentalists but Mr Cliburn realised that his success depended in large part on boyish charm .
11 General Giap realised that his best course was to knock out the French before American aid increased decisively .
12 When the army began getting tough with the Peking students last year , Zeng was there to act as the country 's conscience , but a week after the outbreak of violence he realised that his life was in danger and that he must leave China while he could .
13 Then he realised that his music was being drowned by the noise of the conflagration .
14 As Paddy realised that his stalling tactics were n't going to get him a morning off we went out of the village on a treelined bridleway sloping gently down to the coast .
15 She realised that his tone owed its pleasantness to the presence of Sam and Anna .
16 Then she realised that his gaze was not one of disapproval but something far more disturbing .
17 However , I realised that his chances of racing that year were only 50–50 and I told the owners this .
18 He realised that his hands were shaking .
19 And the more I thought , the more I realised that his bonhomie had been superficial .
20 He was talking about his uncle and gradually she realised that his words were meant to impress her .
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