Example sentences of "[be] often [vb pp] that the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Watch out … direct application can be messy ; it 's often recommended that the stained area is first wetted , then rinsed afterwards .
2 Visions of heavy counselling sessions come to mind and it is often felt that the grieving person must be helped to ‘ come to terms with it ’ , whatever ‘ it ’ might be .
3 It is often said that the quantitative increase in Trident firepower is to accommodate , or seek to pierce , the anti-ballistic missile defences that have been established in the Soviet Union .
4 It is often said that the pure watercolourist does not use any white pigment , relying entirely on the white of the paper .
5 It is often said that the Eastern fathers neglected the cross in favour of the incarnation .
6 But even in democratic societies knowledge of the past changes as historical scholarship develops and it is often found that the official record of the time under study contains errors or even deliberate falsification .
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