Example sentences of "[be] likely [prep] [be] more [adj] " in BNC.

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1 To a remarkable extent , blind people do cope with the many hazards to personal safety which exist but they are likely to be more vulnerable in an unfamiliar environment .
2 Their conversations with suspects are likely to be more intelligible than the form-filling friendliness of any number of custody officers .
3 It means that ‘ attributes of the individual which are biological or constitutional are likely to be more powerful than properties of the immediate social environment or other ecological variables ’ ( Henderson , 1982 , p. 228 . )
4 These will tend to be more stable than smaller tanks in water terms , less affected by external temperature changes , will enable you to keep a wider range of fish , and are likely to be more useful as your interests in the hobby develops into keeping larger fish or into breeding projects .
5 Methods which make use of a combination of sensory inputs are likely to be more effective than those which relay on a single channel of communication .
6 Nevertheless teaching methods which make use of a combination of sensory inputs are likely to be more effective than those which rely on a single channel of communication .
7 These are likely to be more effective for marketing and operational planning purposes .
8 1981 ) , it is reasonable to suppose that , especially among species that pair for life , they are likely to be more similar than in polygynous species .
9 Because there are fewer runs of keys than separate keys , the results of division are likely to be more variable than those of genuine randomization .
10 By contrast , perceptions that verge on being attitudes are likely to be more resistant to change and more dependent upon individuals ' partisan backgrounds — their pre-existing sense of party identification , and their use of partisan news sources such as right-wing ( or leftwing ) papers .
11 This evidence is frequently interpreted as suggesting that larger local authorities are likely to be more efficient than smaller ones , but no statistical evidence has been produced to support this claim .
12 Efforts to create bilingualism by means of bilingual schooling — as , for example , in the immersion programme in Canada — are likely to be more successful than conventional language teaching as a subject because the language is treated in school as a medium rather than as a subject .
13 Projects directed at cooling the anger of the male unemployed or blacks in inner city areas are likely to be more successful than schemes seeking to increase women 's access to employment or educational opportunities .
14 And because holism involves every aspect of the individual , you will not only feel better physically but you are likely to be more alert , freer from stress , more able to interact well with others and able to find greater peace of mind .
15 Racehorses , being relatively inbred , are likely to be more compatible , and so more likely to abort .
16 Many secondary pupils are likely to be more aware than younger children of their cultural and religious frames of reference .
17 When people move house to take up residence in a new community they are likely to be more open to change in other areas of their life .
18 In general , DCSLs attempt to complete the proposal and book selection phases in Minor schools as quickly and effectively as possible , in the knowledge that similar processes in their Major schools are likely to be more lengthy , complex and demanding of staff time and resources .
19 The errors are likely to be more significant during changes of pitch attitude than during manoeuvres involving roll or yaw , since in normal flight configurations the latter manoeuvres tend to be smaller in amplitude and duration than is the case with pitch changes .
20 The object is then to discover the form and structure of contractual relationships which are likely to be more robust and stable within this changing environment .
21 These are likely to be more important in rural than in urban areas ( Stanyer 1975 ) but Green himself once obtained 773 votes as an independent candidate supported by a residents ’ association in a ward election in Sheffield ( Hampton 1970:291 ) .
22 From the general practitioner 's point of view , the constraints of time are likely to be more important than the modest financial outlay for equipment .
23 Social workers are likely to be more interested in chapter three which contains good summaries of the development , organisation and training for social work in six EC countries .
24 Yet senior staff and field men alike are aware of the fact that most dischargers are likely to be more sympathetic to an approach to standard setting and enforcement based on equity .
25 There is a common presumption amongst economists that co-operative R&D ventures are likely to be more desirable for firms operating in competitive markets .
26 Most problems will fall short of these rather alarming possibilities , but they are likely to be more complicated in themselves .
27 He is also an inch or two taller than I am , Not even the most stupid policeman in the land could possibly mistake him for me in an identity parade , but I suppose I am being too optimistic in assuming that literary critics are likely to be more intelligent or perceptive than an ignorant cop .
28 Therefore they are likely to be more reliable if used correctly !
29 Revised forecasts — expected in November — are likely to be more pessimistic .
30 These observations suggest that however attractive co-operative R&D ventures are relative to independent R&D projects conducted by the same set of firms , they are likely to be more attractive than the alternative of a merger designed to facilitate co-operative R&D .
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