Example sentences of "[be] almost [adv] [verb] by the " in BNC.

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1 These changes induced by platelet activating factor can be almost completely reversed by the pretreatment with highly specific and potent platelet activating factor receptor blocker , TCV-309 .
2 The first fifty or so milliseconds of these waves are the most consistent for any particular stimulus and it is thought that they are almost entirely generated by the incoming stimulus , irrespective of any mental activity on the part of the subject .
3 These dominantly clastic sediments , with their glacial tillites , are almost everywhere followed by the quartzites , glauconitic sandstones and shallow water limestones of the early Cambrian .
4 Thus the Hire Purchase Acts 1938 – 1965 have been almost entirely repealed by the CCA 1974 , and the rights and duties of the parties involved in a hire purchase contract are similar to those of parties to a sale of goods , in which the consumer has obtained credit , whether from the seller or a third party .
5 By the beginning of the seventeenth century the secretary hand had been almost entirely superseded by the ‘ Italian ’ hand , introduced in Henry VII 's reign by his Latin secretary .
6 Sir : I was interested by your juxtaposition of ‘ Poll predicts 42-seat majority for Labour ’ with ‘ Tories hold on ’ ( 30 September ) , the latter referring , of course , to the Conservative victory in Wandsworth , the significance of which appears to have been almost totally ignored by the media .
7 The old Minister of Health , 1949–64 , was responsible to Parliament directly for the hospital services , being almost wholly provided by the taxpayer , and indirectly for the health and welfare services provided partly out of the rates and partly out of taxes by local authorities .
8 Therefore , the observed trends were almost exclusively explained by the 400% increase during 1943–77 in cancers accurately coded as anal .
9 At Lord 's , England were almost certainly saved by the weather .
10 During the campaign , however , broader EC issues were almost entirely overshadowed by the controversial issue of abortion , and whether the Irish Constitution 's restrictive abortion provisions could be affected by EC rights to freedom of movement and information .
11 Their grievances were almost totally ignored by the government and thus since the government suppressed almost any step taken collectively by the workers to improve their economic position , the political aims of the workers became dominant over the economic goals .
12 It is almost completely obscured by the tree which surrounds it and hides the light under its foliage .
13 He is an " Oxbridge don " who gives a " somewhat fastidious impression " , a point which is almost immediately confirmed by the dramatic action when the stage directions tell us " ANDERSON dabs at his mouth with his napkin and puts it down " ( p. 43 ) .
14 The cost of the call reduces the profit position when S < E and limits the maximum profit to E — C. On the other hand the potential unlimited loss on the short share when S> E is almost exactly offset by the potentially unlimited profit of the purchased call .
15 The fact that community nurses all over the country are tearing around between 7.30 and 9.30 in the morning giving one dose of insulin after another is almost always dictated by the needs of each client to receive insulin at that time of day .
16 Indeed , classical criminology is almost entirely constituted by the one , short book that he wrote , Dei Delitti e delle Pene in 1764 ( Beccaria , 1963 ) .
17 The Club is almost entirely financed by the proceeds it gets from turning a large part of the Club into a giant car park throughout The Championships .
18 Vadim Perfilyev , the Foreign Ministry spokesman , said yesterday that the contested region of Nagorny Karabakh , at the heart of the Azeri-Armenian conflict , was almost completely paralysed by the blockade .
19 Marx and Engels and , for that matter , Morgan and their other sources , were in no way peculiar in this belief ; they were representatives of a current of opinion that was almost universally accepted by the end of the nineteenth-century .
20 That was almost invariably provoked by the actions of the dynasts themselves .
21 The scene for the election to the Constitutional Convention was formally set by the British Government when it published its White Paper " The Northern Ireland Constitution " ( see above page 8 ) which was almost immediately followed by the passing of the Northern Ireland Act 1974 on 17 July .
22 Although the work of this Committee was almost entirely organized by the Communist Party , it was supported by most of the labour movement .
23 But that group was almost entirely owned by the Al-Arabi Trading Company of Baghdad .
24 America 's interest in the Pacific , dating from the end of the eighteenth century , was almost certainly fired by the telling in dockside bars and merchants ' cafés of gaudily embroidered tales of the explorations of Captain Cook : why , the mariners of Boston and New York wondered out loud , should the Ocean that washed their continent 's western shores be traversed and charted by a navigator all the way from North Yorkshire , and by Frenchmen and Portuguese too ?
25 Again , no deficiency developed and this fall was almost certainly caused by the reduced intake of green vegetables , a major source of magnesium , and the increased losses from the body that can occur with alcohol and coffee consumption .
26 The house was almost certainly designed by the popular Regency architect John Papworth , who did much work in Chigwell , for several different clients .
27 The first was that the Maronite community — which at best constituted only 30 per cent of the Lebanese — was almost certainly outnumbered by the Sunnis or the Shias .
28 The Franciscan monastery of St Francis ( the first north of the Alps ) was almost totally destroyed by the Hussites , and only the choir , the Salvator Chapel remains .
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