Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] out for special [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Those born on a Friday are said to be marked out for special piety , which does not mean that they will be pious necessarily ; only that their natures are imbued with that proclivity .
2 Pensioners and the disabled would be singled out for special treatment , whether they paid rates or not .
3 When people hover for a tip , it 's excruciating , says Jon , 34 ‘ I do n't see why people working in certain industries should be singled out for special treatment .
4 The boys queued in sets of five outside the headmaster 's room , each clutching his signed slip and praying he would not be singled out for special treatment .
5 Individual difficulties would be singled out for special treatment : ‘ When a passage went wrong during practice , she did n't mentally beat herself with a stick and get angry , merely went over it again , maybe more slowly or homed in on the particular difficulty that had tripped her up and worked on that . ’
6 However , certain subject areas may be singled out for special treatment in any authority , either for local reasons ( e.g. subject fields relating to local industries ) or simply from a sense of commitment to the public library 's responsibilities in certain areas ( e.g. current affairs , the arts ) .
7 Also the workers felt a certain status and a privilege to be singled out for special treatment .
8 Miles and Bell , along with Andy Gregory , were signalled out for special praise by Monie , who was gaining his eighth major trophy in under three seasons at the club .
9 It is , however , a very special kind of autobiography , and may be compared to the accounts of their own lives which the early Methodists were expected to write at the time of their reception into the church : in such spiritual autobiographies divine visitations were singled out for special mention as evidences of God 's grace and power ; they were contrasted with laments over sinful behaviour and backsliding , and led to the culminating moment of conversion .
10 But Mary was not actually being singled out for special treatment or favour , except in so far as her own attractiveness and charm marked her out .
11 He would certainly not have approved of being singled out for special treatment .
12 There is one particular practice that has been singled out for special treatment and that is resale price maintenance .
13 Elderly people have not been singled out for special consideration either , but for quite a different reason : their needs are broadly the same as those of younger adults , and specialist mental health services for elderly people are now developing all over the country as a direct response to the enormous growth in the numbers of people with dementia .
14 Because both test and control groups had been singled out for special attention a group pride had developed and this became the motivation for improved performance .
15 While individual players have rightly been singled out for special mention , the very considerable success of Canada 's World Cup campaign was based on a concerted team effort .
16 It is proposed , despite the fact that it is the unorthodox view of insider dealing which is singled out for special attention , to review the policy arguments for and against the use of inside information , even where at times the debate seems more applicable to the traditional view of insider dealing .
17 The Staffordshire Blithe , whose lower reaches escaped the axe and are therefore witness to how exquisite a properly managed river can be , was picked out for special mention in the Journal of Agriculture for 1927 .
18 Although ‘ Ave verum corpus ’ was evidently composed well before its publication in the first book of Gradualia ( 1605 ) , it barely circulated in manuscript ( there are only two handwritten sources ) , and there is no evidence to show that it was singled out for special attention in Catholic households .
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