Example sentences of "[be] [adv] aware that he [be] " in BNC.

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1 He is totally aware that he is able to cope with every situation .
2 A refusal to answer police questions undoubtedly makes the policeman 's job more difficult when the person interrogated knows the correct answers , and the suspect intends to make the task of the police more difficult , in the sense that he is fully aware that he is doing so .
3 Lorentz might have been very aware that he was an actor , but for Hollywood and its audiences it was Muni 's acting that made the whole ‘ job ’ permissible , acceptable , intelligible , bearable , and successful .
4 Magee was painfully aware that he was alone in the compartment with the youths .
5 There was no arrogance in the man ; he was desperately aware that he was letting down all his fellow-actors , and by one of the least forgivable of professional shortcomings .
6 She could n't look at him , but she was still aware that he was studying her .
7 He was also aware that he was clever , and rather enjoyed trying to bamboozle journalists who thought they might score off him .
8 Ebenezer was dimly aware that he was being carried up the narrow staircase .
9 He had taken the trouble to seek out the young man in the morning and tease him into conversation — as he thought subtly , but Harrison was immediately aware that he was being sized up .
10 He was vaguely aware that he was driving rather better than usual .
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