Example sentences of "[be] [adv] easy [verb] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Never mind , she said , three quarter length sleeves are much easier to wear when you want to do machine knitting — long sleeves get caught in the machine !
2 Weeds are much easier to control if you never let them become established .
3 The modern shrub roses , or single roses , are by far the most consistently successful , and are much easier to use once they are pressed .
4 Goals are much easier to attain if they are broken down into small steps .
5 This is likely to apply particularly to concepts , which can be understood on a number of levels , while skills are generally easier to specify as they are procedures carried out in practice and are therefore more " visible " , whereas pupils ' understanding of concepts and strategies can only be inferred from behaviour .
6 They they look spectacular but they 're very easy to do if you know what you 're doing .
7 It would be less easy to avoid and it would be an incentive to save .
8 He will be less easy to understand if you literally put your heads together .
9 West of our site was the Caducius which was thought to be fairly easy to locate as it was marked on the Admiralty Chart .
10 But the Digivision sets will contain fewer components to go wrong , and will be far easier to service when they do .
11 It may have become obvious to Pius and his advisers that a Council would not be as easy to manipulate as they had imagined .
12 She would n't be as easy to vanquish as she had been outside the Feelgood Saloon .
13 The ham is always easier to cut when it is well chilled and may be even easier to handle if it is lightly frozen .
14 ‘ If he turns out to be a feeder for the kidnappers , ’ explained the Captain , ‘ he 'd be too easy to replace if we showed any interest in him . ’
15 The delicate fondant decorations look like they have been crafted by an expert , yet they are surprisingly easy to master if you follow our simple step-by-step instructions .
16 These fish are quite easy to breed if you have a pair in good condition .
17 Initial investments of this type are relatively easy to plan because they are based on actual estimates .
18 Leaks are relatively easy to fix if you can find their source .
19 In communication it is so easy to forget that we are dealing with the other person 's world and not our own .
20 It is so easy to think that we can keep our bodies fit and healthy simply by taking care of their physical needs .
21 An environmental change can ease this : it is much easier to say that you do n't have any sweets in the house than to say ‘ no ’ to a child who knows that they are in the cupboard .
22 A well trimmed model is much easier to fly and it is difficult for the beginner to trim a model without help .
23 Based on a simple thick white sauce , this meal is much easier to make than it looks
24 Though there are a few anomalous features in this framing ( and the sceptic is well aware how often unscrupulous dealers have altered or exchanged such items for the sake of a sale ) it is nevertheless easier to believe that it is original than to contrive any coherent explanation .
25 The ham is always easier to cut when it is well chilled and may be even easier to handle if it is lightly frozen .
26 It is also easy to manage when you are working .
27 It is also easier to assume that you have someone 's undivided attention when you talk to them on the ‘ phone .
28 Day or night , rain or shine , this is truly a coat for all seasons — and it 's as easy to make as it is to wear
29 This is relatively straightforward , because it is fairly easy to see whether you have identified the various factors involved reasonably correctly .
30 A second principle is that a difficult task ( and nobody doubts that dieting can be very difficult ) is far easier to accomplish if it is broken down into small , manageable pieces .
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