Example sentences of "[be] [adv] said to [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Nearly 3,000 pieces of real estate were also said to be affected , most belonging to the FLN but some belonging to the now dissolved Islamic Salvation Front ( FIS ) .
2 Kenya has about one million flamingos living around lakes Nakuru and Bogoria , a major tourist attraction , and the species ' survival is not said to be threatened by the epidemic , which is expected to die down in about a month .
3 Since it joined in 1980 Japan has listed only four sites for protection and one of these , Lake Utonai on the northern island of Hokkaido , is now said to be threatened by secret plans to build a 40-kilometre flood control canal .
4 Already linked with top Italian clubs Roma and Juventus , Platt is now said to be booked for a £5.7 million summer move to Napoli .
5 England midfielder Platt , already linked with Roma and Juventus , is now said to be booked for a £5.7m summer move to Napoli .
6 One type suggests that it is simply the frequencies with which the separate features occur ; a ‘ prototype ’ is often said to be formed from the most commonly occurring features ( thus we form mental prototypes of dog , tree , car , and so on ) .
7 " Biased language " is language which favours one group of the population at the expense of another ; the group not favoured is then said to be marginalised or derogated .
8 Historically , what has come to be known as the Third World has attracted only a tiny proportion of all the foreign investment that has taken place , while the economies of many poor countries , and even some rich ones , are commonly said to be dominated by foreign capital and/or foreign firms .
9 Israel was also said to be determined that the agenda for a meeting with Palestinians be restricted to agreeing details of the conduct of elections in the West Bank and Gaza Strip .
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