Example sentences of "[be] [art] [noun] [prep] [pos pn] eyes " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So , though there are no stars in your eyes , you consider yourself beyond temptation ? ’
2 There were no fires in his eyes now , only an icy contempt she was used to .
3 Another crucial factor in helping them locate prey is the position of their eyes .
4 And what 's the matter with his eyes ? ’
5 ‘ What 's the matter with your eyes ?
6 If one day there is no light in my eyes , I will stop .
7 There is a devil behind her eyes .
8 That dress you are wearing is an offence to my eyes . ’
9 The most striking thing about him was the intensity of his eyes ; very dark brown , staring , with a simian penetration emphasized by the remarkably clear whites ; eyes that seemed not quite human .
10 When his head jerked back to look up at Grant again , it was n't his teeth that were gleaming in the dark now , it was the whites of his eyes , wide with fear .
11 There was a darkness in his eyes , anger simmering just beneath the surface .
12 There was a wildness in his eyes that had n't been there before .
13 He looked once in Jehan 's direction , and if there was a warning in his eyes , Alexei was unable to identity it .
14 If you were groggy on speed you behaved a bit like Marshall — your feet were n't solidly stuck to the ground — there was a look in your eyes that was n't lust — and was n't all purity , either — amazed recognition summed it up , but did n't make sense .
15 There was a look in his eyes that she could n't quite remember seeing before , and she found it distinctly disturbing .
16 There was a determination in her eyes now that was almost frightening ; how little Angelica had understood , she now realised , reading only the surface and never suspecting that any of this lay beneath .
17 There was a glitter in his eyes , and Rostov realised that he was trying to manoeuvre Burun into a situation where he would be either hurt or embarrassed .
18 He looked sort of sternly amused , if there was such an expression , and really rather imposing , and as he continued to regard her she saw there was a glitter in his eyes , which could have been amusement , she supposed , if one were very optimistic .
19 There was a sparkle in his eyes , an amused expression on his face .
20 He exchanged a look with Fenella and saw that she was watching Goibniu quite politely , but that there was a wariness in her eyes .
21 He smiled , and there was a glint in his eyes that made Rachel catch her breath .
22 The sudden weakness in her legs made her stumble over a non-existent obstacle , there was a blackness before her eyes and she would have fallen but for his lightning reactions and the strong hand that grasped her elbow , supporting her .
23 Adimov sagged down onto his mattress and his head was half-buried in his pillow and there was a redness in his eyes .
24 There was a gleam in his eyes nobody had ever seen before .
25 She later moved away from cytological research , partly because constant use of the high-power microscope was a strain on her eyes , and in the second period of her career she concentrated on anatomical and phylogenetic questions .
26 The tears were receding and there was a hardness in her eyes .
27 Maria stared at him standing there , discovering that he looked slightly drawn , while there was a hotness to his eyes now , as if fever or perhaps simply fatigue afflicted him .
28 In fact , though , the print was a blur before her eyes , and her thoughts were with Faye … and with Tom .
29 There was a blaze in her eyes that had not been there before and he could see at once that she would not be at all manageable .
30 Now and again there was a light in his eyes , a far-off look , that was so appealing to her senses that she had to break it to ease her own pain .
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