Example sentences of "[conj] laid down [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , this decision was less revolutionary than it appeared : Bush has brought the deadline forward from 2000 , as laid down under the Montreal Protocol , to 1995 , but the EC had already decided to adopt a 1997 deadline and the US had been lagging behind world opinion .
2 Sequential notes follow the pattern as laid down by the lecturer or speaker , or record the pattern of thought of the author whose book you are making notes from .
3 Westminster City Council 's was appointed to set up training sessions with Chinatown restaurant owners as they prepared to meet requirements as laid down by the Food Safety Act .
4 He was confident that search consultants stuck to their rules of good conduct and professional service without the need for the kind of official regulation in force in the USA , as laid down by the Association of Executive Search Consultants , ( formerly the Association of Executive Recruitment Consultants ) .
5 They passed the Littlegate of St Paul 's where a lay brother was feeding a group of lepers with mouldy bread and rancid pork slices , as laid down by the city fathers who judged such food actually helped them .
6 The accounts also have to be prepared in line with the accepted practice within the accounting profession , as laid down in a series of Statements of Standard Accounting Practice ( SSAPs ) issued by the Accounting Standards Committee .
7 Observer teams met on April 2 in Goma , Zaïre , under the aegis of the Organization of African Unity , as laid down in the ceasefire agreement signed between the government and rebels of the Rwanda Patriotic Front ( FPR ) in N'Sele , Zaïre , in mid-March [ see p. 38088 ] and formalised on March 29 .
8 Alternative Bosnian Serb constitutional proposals based on the three-way subdivision of Bosnia-Hercegovina , as laid down in the March 1992 Lisbon agreement [ see p. 38832 ] with provision for joint foreign , defence and other policies , were presented to the Geneva conference on Nov. 19 .
9 To remedy these grievances it was enacted that the Charter of the Forest was to be kept in all its articles , that the perambulations made in the time of Edward I were to be observed , that those perambulations which still remained to be made should be made as quickly as possible , and that the forest boundaries in each county should be confirmed by royal charters , as laid down in the perambulations .
10 Inclusion of the word " federal " , which the UK government insisted had connotations in English , if not in other EC languages , of a " superstate " was described by the Independent of June 18 as " effectively the price being demanded of Britain , incidentally also of France , for insisting between them that the two main new areas for common action — foreign and security policies and judicial affairs — should be kept separate from the traditional EC constitutional structure as laid down in the Treaty of Rome [ see pp. 15951-59 ] " .
11 As laid down in the will that he had made on 29 April 1696 , revising an earlier one dated 13 July 1685 , in which his wife had been named as his sole heir , Howard 's estates were inherited by his only surviving child , Henry Charles Howard ( born 18 October 1668 ) ; from him they descended to his son , Charles Howard [ q.v. ] , who became tenth Duke of Norfolk in 1777 .
12 Apart from these cases , the entire property , other than that in which the deceased 's interest ceased at his death , is held by the executors or administrators on trust for sale , in the first instance for the payment of his debts , and then for distribution as laid down in the Intestates ’ Estates Act 1952 , which has replaced the relevant provisions of the Act of 1925 .
13 As laid down in the Mexico City agreement reached in September 1989 [ see p. 36890 ] , the first of a series of monthly meetings between high-level representatives of the government and the FMLN began in Costa Rica on Oct. 15-18 , with two bishops as mediators and with representatives of the UN and the Organization of American States ( OAS ) as observers .
14 He showed him how to make out his expenses chits , filling in ‘ Office duties , 5s. 6d. ’ for each day of the week , as laid down in the house agreement between union and management .
15 The left-wing Broad Left Frente Amplio and the PIT-CNT trade union confederation had in mid-February gathered the necessary signatures , as laid down in the Constitution , to call the special poll in their protracted campaign to protect state-sector employment [ see p. 38761 ] .
16 But the chance survival of a record of a miracle on Easter Day not long before Lanfranc 's arrival shows that the monks were still giving a dramatic representation of the three women at the tomb searching for the risen Lord as laid down in the Regularis Concordia .
17 The engineer makes decisions according to his or her powers and duties as laid down in the terms of the contract .
18 If any person had the authority to be in the vicinity he would be wearing a high visibility vest , as laid down in the Railway Regulations , it would be madness not to do so .
19 In the event of non-compliance , in English law , an action can be brought for breach of contract or tort up to six years after the date of the event , as laid down in the Limitation Act 1980. [ 1 ] Documents that originate through the existence of the contract and evidence the events arising under the contract should therefore be maintained for that six year period .
20 There remains , however , the much more substantial argument that the GLC had exceeded its statutory powers as laid down in the Transport ( London ) Act 1969 .
21 In whatever capacity the surveyor is appointed , he should understand first his role as defined by his conditions of engagement agreed with his client and , secondly , his specific role as laid down within the building contract being used .
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