Example sentences of "[conj] lack of [noun] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In turn , members of the innovatory networks identified individual managers or particular functions whose overt opposition to , or lack of enthusiasm for the change strategy seriously hindered its progress .
2 If we look at the evidence of Roberts 's study of Lancashire households between 1890 and 1940 , we see that the various categories of kin who co-resided included : unmarried daughters living with parents ; unmarried brothers and sisters living with a married sibling ; orphaned children ; children whose parents were still alive , but who had gone to live with relatives because of parental poverty or lack of space in the parental household ( Roberts , 1984 , pp. 72–7 ) .
3 Thus it can be argued that although the courts proclaim that in reviewing the decisions of an administrative body they are merely attempting to keep the body within the jurisdiction conferred upon it by Parliament , in fact they do sometimes explicitly justify their decisions by reference to the expertise or lack of expertise of the body whose decision it is sought to review .
4 Before the war the American economy had experienced a severe problem of underconsumption ( or lack of demand for the goods which the economy could produce ) .
5 Occasionally this is a result of lack of knowledge or lack of sensitivity on the part of urban , middle class curriculum workers , as in Kenya where an early version of the New Primary Approach for African Schools contained four ‘ centres of interest ’ : the Post Office , the railway station ; the game park and the coast .
6 This case makes clear that normally there can not be liability as a constructive trustee merely for ‘ knowing assistance ’ in a fraudulent design if there was no dishonesty or lack of probity on the part of the alleged trustee , and if knowledge would not have been inferred in the circumstances by an honest and reasonable person .
7 To dismiss them out of hand is a sign either of defective knowledge or lack of imagination on the reader 's part or of the author 's incapacity to convince .
8 for example , bifurcation is a policy which has been occasioned and encouraged by the conjunction of overcrowding and lack of resources in an ideological atmosphere of ‘ law and order ’ and legitimacy crisis , but it was not inevitable : policymakers could ( and probably should ) have decided to do something else instead .
9 In 1357 the clerical author of the short De miserabili statu regni Francie , reflecting upon the disaster of Poitiers , praised the courage of the king , John II , who had fought bravely up to the very moment of his capture , but condemned in strong terms the failure and lack of heart of the nobility , the ‘ duces belli ’ who had failed in their obligation to the French state .
10 Prisoners ' confinement and lack of contact with the outside world compound their problems .
11 She felt the only possible solution to the situation would be if Liza were to marry again ; but with the girl 's precarious mental state and lack of contact with the outside world , this hardly seemed likely .
12 Her only fault was that she was too saintly , and was thus exploited by too many people , out of greed and lack of consideration for a woman whose life was one of toil and devotion to her family .
13 I am concerned about the contents of , lack of objectivity of and lack of thoroughness in the study that was carried out by the Environmental Advisory Unit of Liverpool University Ltd. for the Government and the promoters of the Bill , Cardiff Bay development corporation , when there was still a private Bill , in preparation for the Government 's hybrid Bill , which was laid before the House on Tuesday .
14 In a pre-scheduled address to an international banking conference attended by the Czech and Slovak finance ministers where he was to have delivered a lecture on setting up direct sales operations in Eastern Europe , Kontrax president Gabor Dixco told an embarrassed audience that the global recession , poor financial management and lack of support from the banks were to blame for the company 's collapse .
15 When the 1955 files were released at the Public Record Office , Eden 's committee-making in these areas was interpreted as evidence of vacillation and lack of grip on the part of a premier of whom Kilmuir later wrote , ‘ no one in public life lived more on his nerves than he did ’ .
16 He refused to say who had made the complaints ; they included inattention to patients , negligence as to cleanliness , and lack of supervision by the superintendent nurse .
17 All too often the highly political organization derives from lack of clarity in the leadership as to what is expected , and lack of consensus about the common aim .
18 In addition it limits public understanding of government ability , inhibits the explicit establishment of public sector planning programmes , and leads to inefficiency and lack of accountability on the part of departmental and programme managers .
19 His Court had been notorious not only for its exclusivity and lack of responsiveness to the public at large but also , as experienced by those who frequented it , for its tedium .
20 In women with chronic schizophrenia blunted or incongruous emotions , poor motivation , disturbed behaviour , and lack of responsiveness to the child 's cues may all affect mother-infant interaction .
21 The fragmentation and lack of unity within the women 's movement in this country and elsewhere , resulting in a severe lack of power , organisation and strategy in the face of a very powerful oppression .
22 The confusion and lack of leadership among the Pomeranian and Danzig Poles — and the almost total failure of the Polish peasantry to identify the Polish cause as their own — can be seen in the Pomeranian response to the 1794 Polish uprising , led from Kraków by Tadeusz Kościuszko .
23 In spite of advancing years , disability and lack of prestige with the Royal Society , Miller 's handwriting is still meticulous , his manner courteous and his behaviour diligent .
24 However Julie was now tired and miserable because of her pain and lack of sleep during the night prior to her admission .
25 They all looked shattered after the shock and lack of sleep of the night before , but they all worked for him , recognising his need as only professional actors can .
26 However , in view of the importance of even 3d. in the weekly budget of the poor , the inconvenience to , and lack of enthusiasm for the scheme of , employers and the absence of any machinery for ensuring that all workers earning under £150 p.a. wee indeed covered , it is probable that many of the poorest workers ( many of them women ) were not in the end provided for .
27 Medical Officers of Health and others were convinced that the chief causes of physical weakness and infant mortality were unsuitable feeding and lack of hygiene in the home which could , they believed , be improved by the education of mothers in childcare and domestic skills .
28 Although guidelines to reduce the risk of cross-infection have been produced , there is continuing controversy and lack of information on the degree of risk conferred by various activities and the measures that need to be taken to reduce risk .
29 The independent commission established by the government to investigate and audit funds and property of former East German parties and political groups had been hindered in its work by shortage of staff and lack of co-operation from the affected organizations .
30 Peter Farrier , then hospital administrator , refuted the allegations commenting that the article contained ‘ many untruths , gross distortions of fact and lack of understanding of the care of the severely mentally ill ’ .
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