Example sentences of "[conj] instead [prep] [v-ing] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A committee of clerics and nobles meeting at Scone in 1295 persuaded the so-called King John that enough was enough , and that instead of pandering to the King of England he should seek an alliance with the King of France .
2 The only problem is that instead of sitting across a desk from the one customer , you are talking to hundreds or thousands or even millions , in their homes or their cars or trains or buses .
3 Her face was like a beautiful landscape except that instead of changing with the weather , it changed with her moods .
4 She was therefore a little disconcerted to find when they left the station that instead of waiting for a taxi Lady Selvedge began to stride away in the direction of Victoria Street , saying ‘ I know just the place for us to get a snack .
5 After the disastrous storms and floods of 1890 in which vast sections of Grisedale and Garsdale were washed away , bridges destroyed and people made homeless , the stone lip of the waterfall was found to have been destroyed completely by the force of the water , so much so that instead of falling from an overhanging shelf a majestic hundred feet on to the rocks below , the waterfall now raced down in a series of cascades .
6 It 's a bit like that with me , except that instead of going into the technological future I had to go back in time .
7 Its shares slumped from around $170 before the October 1987 crash and instead of recovering with the Index have just touched a seven-year low at $96 .
8 Unfortunately for Thacker the wind was offshore and instead of drifting over the island he went the opposite direction out to sea .
9 This is the ice-cream tent and this is the Ladies and changing rooms for some of the performers and instead of looking at the back of the bar during the interval , the audience can look out over the rolling Oxfordshire countryside .
10 They were n't inherently toxic or dangerous , but they were misused , and instead of calling for an ambulance people would have another squirt of the inhaler down their throat and the result was that they unfortunately died .
11 Well he , he , they were on their way to Norwich but they stopped off at Ipswich for a lunch , you see , and er I had , I looked after them , so , so that it should n't interrupt the other girls behind the counter or , or the waiter who was looking after his regular customers in the dining room , you see , er and so I used to erm and once I had I remember there was six black doctors came in and er and I was glad because it was nice to move about and instead of sticking in the office typing and then going out all alone , you see , while the Manager was on the district , you see , I liked it and er anyway that was a long time ago .
12 She was a fine pedigree pig and instead of lying on the butcher 's slab today she would be starting to bring up her family .
13 However , at the end of the film , the car driven by Mark ( Sean Connery ) drives right down to the end of the road , and instead of falling into the ( non-existent ) harbour , turns right into a previously unsuspected street or quay along its edge and disappears from view .
14 Now the floor was scrubbed , and instead of sacking round the bed there was a proper curtain slotted on string .
15 We pulled into Coventry police station and instead of going to a cafe , as we had hoped , we got shut in one cell and left there for about two hours with the most revolting sandwiches you 've ever seen in your life .
16 But instead of ploughing through the text , their introduction to the play comes from Tilt — a new Gloucester-based company .
17 In the past year , unemployment has risen by a massive 47 per cent. , but instead of rising by a similar amount , expenditure in 1991-92 will be 10 per cent .
18 Luke 's face tightened , but instead of reacting to the taunt , he pursued his earlier accusation .
19 The Goldsmiths were not insensible of the problem ; but instead of dispensing with the formality they offered the candidate as compensation thirty shillings — for a journey to London , the equivalent of 15% of the annual salary !
20 But instead of crashing to the ground , I was caught , by my trousers , on a pin in her clothes .
21 My nine-year-old son recently told me of dreaming of swinging violently in the hammock ( something he frequently does during the summer ) and falling out ( again , a frequent occurrence ) , but instead of landing on the ground he floated , and started a floating dream in which he effortlessly travelled around the garden suspended above the ground .
22 Her only task in the clean-up was to empty the two jam jars of snowdrops , but instead of disposing of the flowers she took them with her .
23 I think it 's straight from Hollywood really ; but instead of falling into the arms of Barbara Stanwyck , it would be Tyrone Power .
24 But instead of waiting on the same platform for an Edgware train , they made their way up to the British Rail terminus , and in the men 's lavatory the bear got into his bear suit .
25 But instead of working at the Sun Valley factory in Hereford , they 're on a production line at Orleans in France .
26 The process will still remain an essentially entrepreneurial one , but instead of working with a group of ‘ pure ’ entrepreneurs , we could simply recognize an entrepreneurial aspect to the activities of each market participant .
27 But instead of going into the street where mullahs , students and soldiers were desperately digging people out .
28 But instead of going at the end of the process of building the new Europe , the Wall has gone at the beginning .
29 But instead of returning to the trees and swinging happily ever after , the orangs got caught up in web of conservation politics .
30 The BMC is to continue to have a training officer ( presently Iain Peter ) who will continue to do what he did before , but instead of answering to a neutered committee , training decisions are now to be made by a BMC vice president — probably John Porter .
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