Example sentences of "[conj] probably [verb] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Anyone can see that artificial keyboard or lexigram languages can be imparted , if at all , in only the most impoverished social situations — quite unlike the nexus of warm and intimate physical bonds that probably prevailed at the dawn of language millennia ago .
2 Furthermore , they displayed a freshness , vitality and love of experimentation that probably stem from the fact that Zeng is a completely untrained photographer .
3 Within the pale the strangers entering were observed immediately , and approached with an alertness and efficiency that probably stemmed from the fact that the earl himself was in residence .
4 The engine is the same size as in the old car , but the bodywork seems lighter and the shape is certainly smoother , so that probably accounts for the difference , ’ she says .
5 Ralph lord Greystoke was a member of the ducal council and probably contributed to the extension of ducal influence across the Derwent into the Wolds , where he held land and where the ducal associate Ralph Bigod had Greystoke connections .
6 Ralph lord Greystoke was a member of the ducal council and probably contributed to the extension of ducal influence across the Derwent into the Wolds , where he held land and where the ducal associate Ralph Bigod had Greystoke connections .
7 You know the sort of thing : There once was a would be MP Who said if you do n't vote for me I 'll scream and I 'll shout Might knock myself out And probably fall into the sea .
8 When the tap reaches its fullest extent it will come off ( and probably fall in the sink ) and the water will stop flowing
9 Later research suggests , however , that they were more common in the North-west than had been supposed and probably began in the South-east in the late sixteenth century , and has cast doubt on the validity of seeking to impose too rigid a geographical pattern on food rioting from the recorded incidence .
10 If she caught me now in the front hall she would waste a good ten minutes warning me that I was risking tuberculosis and a gastric ulcer by being too late to eat a proper meal quietly , and probably throw in the chances of my poisoning a patient with the wrong drug before the night was out through carelessness induced by my own lack of blood-sugar .
11 Intestinal infections were more common in homosexual compared with non-homosexual patients at stage IV , which is in contrast with the report by René and coworkers and probably results from the inclusion of non-homosexual patients from Africa and Haiti in their study .
12 News came in March that he had been captured and probably killed during the retreat from Teruel .
13 The drought has its origins in a persistent pattern of atmospheric circulation that has affected the whole of the southern hemisphere , bringing drought also to South Africa and parts of South America , and probably related to the return of El Nino , a surge of warm ocean water off the western seaboard of South America ( see box ) .
14 Here was the scandal seen through the eyes of an old man , its central figure , but now powerless , toothless and thoughtless ; easily tired , and probably over-cautioned on the dangers of speaking in courtrooms .
15 The Zurbarán ( estimate £1.2–1.6 million ) is a recent rediscovery , and probably dates from the period of the painter 's greatest success in Seville around 1640 .
16 It usually pays to buy the biggest bulbs as these will have the most flowers in the first year and probably split in the soil to two fat bulbs for next season .
17 The number of genuinely universal traits are , I suspect , likely to run to single figures at most and probably correspond to the handful of biological ‘ needs ’ like warmth , food and procreation .
18 In Westminster Abbey Library is a fragment of a funerary taper found in Abbot Thomas Mylling 's tomb , which is presumed to have been placed there at the time of his funeral in 1492 and probably came off the hearse .
19 And you 've all seen and probably participated in the scene where a sequence of such meeting is brought to its climax by one partner coming right out with the movie cliché ‘ We ca n't go on meeting like this ’ or less effectively ‘ Long time no see ! ’
20 De Marchi has suggested that the picture forms part of the Valle Romita polyptych , an early work by the artist , now in the Brera , Milan , and probably executed for the Convento dei Minori Osservanti in Val di Sasso during the artist 's time in Venice .
21 This system remains patent despite platelet contraction , adhesion and aggregation , and probably serves for the release of the contents of the platelet-storage granules to plasma ( White , 1973 ) .
22 The community of the shire was based on a network of acquaintance and interests , and probably drew on the contacts of individuals in local government .
23 There is still uncertainty about the origins of the Lombards — frequently called the Longobards — but it is now generally agreed that they were central European , and probably arrived over the Alps from Hungary .
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