Example sentences of "[conj] then [pron] used to be " in BNC.

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1 And then we used to be playing top , we 'd a top right round the village , see how far we could go .
2 then it went a bit further and stop , and then we used to be walking up the , but that were it , half a crown
3 from there and now course they got shipped out and then they used to be a ship as well , used to take it to sea called the
4 Well we never heard the name shop steward in those days I do n't think they went that far , there was somebody in charge sort of thing but erm they er got the na the name afterwards I think you know shop steward , but er and then they used to be Miss used to have the garden fetes the garden parties on her lawn , that was for the Liberal Party you see as soon Labour was mentioned there were only Tories and Liberals at that time and er we used to , when there was an election er we used to wait up for the results and then if the Liberals got in Squires ' big bell would be rung if it was twelve o'clock at night or one o'clock in the morning the Squires ' big bell would be rung you see , to say who 'd got in , if the Tories got in it was n't rung because it was a , Squires were Liberals , strong Liberals and er they used to attend the Liberal Club at Shortheath but erm there used to be some fun in those er what 's the name parade if the Liberals got in and dances you know to raise money for the various things , and the garden fetes used to be lovely but er on their lawn .
5 Oh we used to er there used to be er er two rooms downstairs and then there used to be what you used to call er the attic they used to call them in them days .
6 And er and then there used to be some houses what er we did n't live in one of them but there used to be a lot of houses what used to be railings round , and there used to be steps and you 'd go down the steps , into the And they used to c they used to live downstairs and then well of course when you 're in the house in the side the room they used to have another flight of steps to come upstairs to a l a front room or a lounge or whatever you mind to call it .
7 Well all that and then there used to be what they used call er net mending but my mother used to do that .
8 Well and then there used to be a stripper it 's a a long thing like that and there and er you 'd put it on .
9 And then there used to be erm Mrs her name was , used to keep her little shop at bottom of the yard .
10 And then there used to be the Hippodrome and the Empire .
11 And er and then there used to be er
12 They 're like that , and then they 've got a shuttlecock the shuttlecock used to er have er like a a cork thing and then there used to be feathers round .
13 Yes there used to be her son , and there used to be me , and there used to be a a girl name Edith right , and there used to be her sister , Ethel right , and then there used to be another young girl named Clara .
14 And then there used to be talking about and er if you passed by them .
15 There was Pat , he swept chimleys , er and then there used to be an old fellow come , he used to mend , mend dishes you ken , what you call a china faker .
16 And then there used to be old Tom and Mary .
17 Oh and then there used to be another old fellow come here , they called him .
18 But the the regular men were getting more money than but er And then there used to be men down there , storing the slate , regular men on the outside , my father was one of them .
19 He used to be a a driver , a driver , and then he used to be a driving supervisor and now he 's in like , in traffic now .
20 I I remember er that was the way my father used to get a a bit of pocket money to buy tobacco and things , a shilling a sack and the other farmers they used to find the the biggest sack they could find you know , and cram it with oats and then you used to be after supper .
21 Oh oh yes yes the union did erm get that er sorted out you know , and er and then when the buses began to run it made it easier for those worked in Willenhall and er and it just be about threepence of fourpence in our money go there then , but erm and then the hours were altered you see , eight o'clock and finish at six o'clock and er and then it used to be seven to seven you see .
22 Yes it did it run down to the river and we used to have to write to get a permit to camp on there for the week but then there used to be an old , the old foreman of he used to come round every Saturday night , have you got your permit ?
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